Yes zaft faith kicked my ass, they did a MUCH better job than u losers, but inc from them had stopped for about 3 weeks before I joined sic... More lies Osiris?
You left and fought? Sure ya did lol I never mentioned SICNISS at all, I've friends there so not even sure why you did tbh but keep rolling with the stories to stop yourself looking like a little hurt boy Bored now, troll away and look me up when you grow a little
I mentioned sic bc it was relevant to the story, this is what I deal with people, their like children throwing tantrums
I said that? Where? I'm pretty sure I said I was bored and for you to look me up when you're bigger. Really is this all you have? Forum spin and picking on small guys? Any wonder you're not with zaft or sic any more. Stay away from the paint thinner, it's making you come off with random statements I'm embarrassed for you bro
I cf'd TO you or I allowed you a cf? Why not just tell the truth? I wouldn't cf to you cos I wasn't fighting you, again you're too ickle for me. I agreed to halt hits on you cos I felt that argument and reason to fight was silly given the facts I had at the time so why try to let on you're badass? But, for the second time in this boring drama, you ran your mouth at people and it started again, presumably cos you need the publicity to try and rebuild a tattered reputation, left after your build was torn down. Why was that again?? Normally I don't even bother with flies like you but it's kinda fun showing kaw how the big bad contract hitter, is really a silly fantasist who had his build torn down. What spin will the next chapter take? Maybe you'll tell all about that build?
Hold on hold on....a couple pages back you said I tore build down bc someone was farming me, now it got tore down? I don't have to prove your a liar and grasping at air it's all here. And no u didn't cf to me bc I was doing anything to cfed bc u didn't like what I was doing to your clannies I could hit
Why drag this out OS, you look silly spending so much time and effort on me, get a Phil thread with a big osw, grow a pair...All u gotta do is stay out of my news, stay off my wall, tell your noobs to quit following me talking smack, and ill never speak your name again, it taste like **** anyway..swallow your pride, realize I'm not gonna bend and move on lol..not everyone cowers before clans that fill the need to huddle up in big groups together
Btw I don't think you meant to call lethal a divine being... look up words before using them it only makes you look stupid in the long run
Says the one who said "no one can tear down builds" its called spell check. A divine being? No who gets there build tore down? Why not ask him about it some time..... or maybe he wants to hide what happened
They don't respect their main clan leader, they just keep posting, but why would they respect him..can u imagine the leader of any other big clan/family raging on my wall? Strawberry and Lala right there on it.