Osiris CF to a noob then break it, biggest joke in kaw

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jul 18, 2013.

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  1. @Roni. You farm someone to annoy them. Not compete on who got the most plunder off the other person.
  2. Swiftly just leave already. Osiris some of you would be banned already for accusing lethal of cheating but you aren't because drgn is super biased. It would be a hell of a lot different if moose or ace town were lurking and not drgn.
  3. Btw my post is the only one with a shred of grammar
  4. Bump so I can continue to see the cat fight
  5. Did you know you are meant to type names with a capitol at the beginning?
  6. And please don't spam post. You didn't need to bump this thread as you had already posted on it moments before.
  7. ^ swiftly hid in e war to get away from me lololol
  8. Nah. I casted long before I made my first post on here.
  9. DURR swittly your talkng to someone who was in adhd clan as if i dont know i dont brag though trying to impress on forums people know what i can do so you not telling me sonething i dont know already. i farmed a clan for six months by myself but hey im not like you i dont feed into my ego to impress trolls. actually i think i should play into my hype more change my name to farme
  10. Tell you what. Add some punctuation into your post. And then take all the crap out of it. And I'll read it again and actually take you seriously.
  11. Sounds like a bit of ego stroking to me roni.
  12. change my name to farmer roni cause i so want to fit in with all the other wanabe farmers who think they so hardcore. i need big my self up more.
  13. corsair you know how it is you stay quiet cause you just dont need to play on uout ego to impress people but then you get talked to as if you dont have a clue. really they should know the persons history before they try. talk to you as if your a div and nothing registers to you cause its only them who got the skills on kaw.
  14. Lethal is a beast, it's unfair both ways, Osiris numbers but lethals bfa and bfe, I'm thinking lethal is losing a tiny bit but would Osiris be able to Handel it if there was 3,4,5 or even 6 lethals? Don't think so lol, but I'm staying neutral because I still have alot of respect for Osiris 
  15. He's just so small I'm sure it presents difficulties for them. I'm sure if he grew a bit it wouldn't be a problem. I mean really I never heard him making such a big stink before his build was torn down, did anyone?
  16. Thanks Roni. I get you now :)
  17. Lethal, ZAFT FAITH put up a better fight because you where not dtw to 90% of the clan. JB talks before he smacks and is generally a normal guy who doesn't start anything just because, you got your CF and proceeded to talk smack, CF revoked.

    However, all irrelevant because statless alt TLDR. :roll:
  18. Handle was the correction on my post when I said handel btw
  19. lol this is funny now os -artificial pro aka synthethic got a wall pass into 46 & 2. what are the odds im being hit by both clans and synthethic is going in there noe after his clash with me here. i guess they are uniteing n gonner hit me with a combo tag team union
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