Swiftly join the party, just show what a coward u are, probably never stood up to anyone on here but will gladly jump in, one more person hitting wont matter, come see me when this is over and ill retire u from kaw gladly
Will you now? You know, I've had that said to me many times, and guess what. I'm still ******* here and there ain't **** you can do about it.
Obviously you have some mental problems. Will explain why you started farming a high up clan. And generally ******* them off.
This is a problem in kaw, too many willing to fight when numbers heavily favor them but not any other time, anyone who knows me even my enemies know that I would make quick work of u
You probably look at my stats and think, he's a noob. Well I've got a news flash for you. I ain't. And I will not back down, reset, drop my build. Or post a cease fire thread for you.
Alright swiftly your in my ca with a couple others that have hit while i was in this war, hope u have another account but bc that one will be sat on, stripped and violated 6 ways from Sunday
In fact. If I get a chance to own your **** several times (Osiris will probably beat me to it), then you will know about. Now pipe the **** down and think what you are going to do.
Oh and, why join the party when the party is nearly over. Sorry to break it to you, but it's time you woke up sunny.
No your in my ca for me alone so I remember your name for when I'm not pre occupied, go hit some ebs fairy quit trying to play soldier
lethal you n me know it those acting flash on forums are only brave hiding behind a clans reputation to give them new found confidence to run thier mouths. i doubt any of them been even long in that clan. they just think being in a power house clan morphs them up into a indestructable beast. confidence comes from within but as we seen they only find thier voice behind the trolls.
An hour since last check on his wins/losses. He has gotten 40wins and 56 losses. Looks like they really are starting to **** you.