Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Corinthian, Sep 30, 2009.

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  1. They would love a second chance I'm sure but yes at minimum they would lvl the field now stop this foolish discussion
  2. Actually I might just spam an osf....
  3. Hey guy pure spys happy hunting
  4. Fortress just tried to initiate a suicide spybomb on me... Anyone know why?
  5. Did you ask him?
  6. Apparently he was telling people I was free hits... If you are going to refer someone to an OSF, TELL them we are SOLDIER ATTACK ONLY, NOT spying...
  7. Unless you are a spy farm OSF but yes pretty obvious...
  8. Yeah... I got suicide spybomb by 8 different people, because he just wrote "attack Rozofoshozo" on peoples walls... Some people don't realize that means don't spy
  9. Hehe is there is ever a war... It won't be ig matters.
  10. milkin_man - taking a break to upgrade. Def towers up.
  11. That small war is over... Any osf spying on me and getting CAUGHT will get destroyed.
  12. This got pushed off the front page by Chaos threads...
  13. LOL hansel you caught me b4
  14. Like 5 times xD
  15. 
  16. I would like to be an asf.
  17. 
  18. 
  19. Don't spam here do it in an off topic thread
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