xxirishxx has been warned 5 times by seperate OSFs, no punishment yet, but if he does happen to farm any other OSFs, he is already out of warnings...
People I have warned multiple times that keep spamming me daily: edifer (this is the main one, spamming me hourly for days now, I must be the only thing he spends troops on), tippster, and xxirishxx, in that order
Xxirishxx isnmh main issue. He doesn't seem to understand that we do not need to stay open and do so to help other players. With the war going I'm not sure what guards are available so I am no longer offering funds openly as an OSF. if you have need of funds place a request on my wall and I will try to release some for you if I'm around. You can always give xxirishxx a shot as well
Yaoium I gave him a warning after 15 attacks an he said that I should get a life and he can abuse this all he likes farm him to shreads if u want YAOUIM