You should learn that copy and pasting is not always a good thing. For example: THERE IS NO PVP BLITZ THIS WEEKEND
Top 100 for war gets 400sb? That has always been the top 500 reward. So now only 100 players get anything and it's 1/2 the reward of what top 100 used to be???????
Since many are already complaining about build token rewards, devs, can you introduce a system of token conversion? Perhaps you can work around this example (or with some fair numbers): 10 LL token + item Z = 1 HL token 15 HL token + item Y = 1 HF token 20 HF token + item X = 1 Abyss token 40 Abyss token + item W = 1 Osmon Rai token 1 Abyss token+item A = 20HF tokens 1 HF token + item B = 15 HL tokens 1 HL token + items C = 10 LL tokens
Yeah, typical. Make it easy for newbies, as though it isn't easy enough. Screw people who've played for least be able to trade those stupid useless land tokens for a decent amount of silver bars.....useless event.
Charlie why are we back on old event platform? We should continue on last event platform. The feedback on that event platform is more positive. Please bring back that event more fun and interactive.
Yeah help all the smaller players, screw the bigs. Just like last event where smaller players got a huge amount of drops
Just over 2yrs playing,what do I need these build tokens for all those lands are complete builds it's the Osmon's tokens that I need.With all the benefits the new players get its easy to grow if you are active.
This event totally not for bc players. Thanks ! no need spend cash & time. Rewards for wars are pretty low compared to previous events, there's not even top 500. Killing ee war clans & making ee warriors leaving game ?
At first I thought that war rewards were a typo. No top 500, and people that invest enough time in this event to reach top 100 EE get literally shat on for their effort. 12h later rewards are still the same, so i guess there's no typo and you just decided to kill ee wars for this event
First off, please stop with the copy paste events. The forest eb series were released earlier in a previous event too. So its not a new eb. You devs are trying to kill off EE wars with those kind of rewards. The rewards aren't even worth the effort put into wars. Ebs require tapping all day long without strategy. Wars should actually pay more when compared to eb part of events because in order to win a war, it ALWAYS takes a strategy to win. There's no pvp event too by the way. You may want to remove that from the description because there's no pvp opt in spell :/ Good job with the land tokens too. Because I'm abyss bc and those tokens aren't going to be of any help to me.
First off, please actually read. The old man is a different set than last time. Same theme and all, but modified. As far as pvp goes, there will only be once the weekend of the 28th. But, of course, if you had read it you would know that. And I'm abyss bc, but still excited about the tokens. Basically giving us free build changes if you save them up.
Devs could've made this much more simple to shrink the gap...if u're bc u don't get crests, if u're not u, bang, boom, gap made this tighter lol