Orisons of Glory - Part 9

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Charlie, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. Has anyone considered they may be adding additional lands to each tier? (So all players could use these land tokens).

    They recently said lands would be coming out - maybe each level is getting 50 parcels instead of the existing 25.

  2. Also I don't get the equipment side of this event, could someone explain? I know you can buy the leggings with 100 inchor or whatever but what past that??
  3. Current lands are in 5x5 grid, 50 lands would have to be in a rectangle right? Doesn't work for me, has to be squares.
  4. can the crests be used to actually buy new lands, or is it only for buildings? I may have missed it in op but sort of confused
  5. You guys complain about everything.The world wasn't made to cater to your needs 24/7.Devs are trying there best ..jeez give them a break
  6. When I first read this post:

    But you might be on to something...
  7. Just buildings and upgrades.
  8. Mark. What about Osman lands?
  9. Devs.... cannot seem to purchase fox breeches even though have enough items to. Is this an error?
  10. In addition,These tokens are still useful for those that want to try to convert to another build so either way these tokens are useless to all builds.A small step back for a gigantic jump forward.
  12. LOL Mark. Just trying to stir the pot a bit. Putting a second set of 25 for each tier was something I could see you crazy apes doing. :)

    Almost as bad as another 10 levels on each OR building six months ago....
  13. LOL no top 500 war? The top 100 war rewards are trash rip to the no lifes who do 2x+ wars a day #makeEEgreatagain
  14. The only time ee was sort of great was when there was 4 hour wars so it's long past it I'm afraid to say.
  15. Im pretty sure that in the last road map thread it was said that build tokens would be mainly to help smaller guys catch up a bit.
  16. Also we dont even know how this NEW feature works and some are hating over it already!
  17. Hey Devs,
    Did yall mess up or is there purposely not a top 500 for war?
  18. I can't buy the equipment, I have enough items but won't let me
  19. I've been having the same problem. My pop up message tells me I already have them, but I don't.

  20. No...small people could use those osmon tokens too. If the amount of tokens required is proportionate to the level of the building this would be nothing but pure beneficial.

    Small players could use the CS from osmon more than any of us