BL used to show people who just logged in or have been online for the past 20 minutes. I don't know if devs changed that. But if it still works that way, just don't log out, and you'll stay off the battle list.
Suggestion: I think you should tax every successful drop then at the end of the event distribute to players who never casted the 8 hour spell or any of the reduction of loss spells. Having 95% of available targets not yielding any drops is getting boring as hell.
More events like this please but faster days like 2-3days... u can take inferno and aqua event ideas..
Re: Orisons of Glory - Part 8s Its the truth though. Idc if you believe that or not. I have to change my mind due to absolute stupid balancing: this event sucks. How can it be that you can loose 25% on one action by a tiny player. And you will never be able to get that ever back because when you Hit back you get less than 1/1000 of what you lost by a single Hit. I like the idea to help smaller Players but this is just ridiculous.
Re: Orisons of Glory - Part 8s As stated in the OP, the amount you get is based on how many your target has and on the size difference between you two, as a result, you lose more when you're hit by a small player than you get back from hitting that same player. Also, if you losr 4.1k you clearly have a lot more out and it's quite possible that they only had your 4k out, giving you even less
Re: Orisons of Glory - Part 8s Excuse me, please do not fake quotations. I never said anything of the sort.
Greetings KAWinians! Can someone please explain to me how to opt out? I have purchased the ribbon from the market place gone to the alchemist but the button is not there to cast the opt out spell. Thank you in advance!! =)
On pc, open the other tabs then go back and you'll be able to cast the spell. Don't ask why. Buying the ribbon doesn't opt you out, but it is required to purchase the opt-out spell
Yeah !!! Why is this not fixed !!! I feel that all the items lost in wars should be returned...especially considering that you can lose thousands in LL wars , than after war you come to find out you can't get items back cause your opponent is too small to hit !!!! This is bs .... fix this !!!
Re: Orisons of Glory - Part 8s My appologies, this was not on purpose, I was on my phone and it told me I couldn't quote more than 3 times or something so I only wanted to include your last post but screwed it up, my bad Edit: editted my earlier post, should be fixed now with the correct quotation, again my appologies.
This is no longer fun when apoc play strip farm on ps. Thanks Sean,perhaps we should ask u for compensation ?
Top100 will be a lots of small buildings with bfe just built up buildings to farm juicy targets to make 50k+ from few unloads then drop to 300/300 150/150 and go to sleep almost no favors lose even get inc then built up buildings when wake up.....
expected when u opt in my accts 90% non stop inc from apoc. Not even can bank 2k everyday as 400m+ cs buildings lol