Orisons of Glory: Part 6

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. Thanks for clearing that up... Makes sense now 
  2. I would Like to see something new, a World Boss Event for Example...Once a month on the First Friday every Month... Everyone can hit only regular regens, no xtals.

    Rewards are based on Actions, that means ONLY ACTIVITY, As less P2w as possible.

    Reward Tiers will be as followng:

    Ranking Nobs Xtals Aqua Inferno SB

    Top 10 250 10. 500. 500. 2000

    Top 100 200. 9. 450. 450. 1800

    Top 5% 150 7. 400. 400. 1500

    Top 10% 100. 5. 300. 300. 1200

    Top 50%. 35. 3. 150. 150. 500

    Top 100% 10. 1. 50. 50. 100
  3. My ring is saying maxed at lvl 4 and so I can't swap for the shoulders or whatever. Idk if this is a known issue ??

    Edit ....nvm

  4. You have to collect 2000 scales and then you'll be able to buy the shoulders.

    Once you get the shoulders maxed as well, you can collect more scales for the off hand item.
  5. You need to un equip it before trying to buy next one.

    On another note am I missing something or can only the top 10 max this bfe equip? There are 10 levels and can only be upgraded via the scales given at the end of the event. However 40k - top 50 only get 8 of these items. Its only top ten that get 10. How would we max stats the equip from this event?
  6. Your not missing anything. Only the top 10 will be able to max this.
  7. Can somebody answer this for sure?
  8. Just checked.

    You can only have 1 piece. For example, i currently have the shoulders, and it will not allow me to purchase the ring.
  9. Thank you!
  10. The ata art work team is really talented.
  11. Thanks - make-up scale rewards from LOTL posted this afternoon. ️
  12. So can the devs answer what the point is to enchant the harpoon to tier 5 when you give us scales in the end to level it up?
  13. Devs say can upgrade now(pm from KaW) I still can't upgrade!!!!
  14. Your ring is already upgraded. The next tier for it is the shoulders.
  15. Thank you Mei!!!!!!
  16. Still no word on Mariner's Boxes not dropping correct amount of items for it to go over 25nob worth?

  17. Tier 5 will give better base stats than tier 1, so after enchanting tier 5 will be better than tier 1.
  18. I have already mentioned earlier in the thread that I have let the devs know. The issue should have been resolved and compensation should be going out if it hasn't already.
  19. the drop rates for event pieces need to upped there to low they should be like the zta event.