Orisons of Glory: Part 3

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. LOL yet all these losers spend their time to rank up on even lb. Talk about clowns. Devs are doing great
  3. Haha so let me get this straight; the events arent worth participating in as the rewards dont offset the loss of gold BUT you will fall too far behind if you dont do them!?

    Great logic lmao.

    Do them and get new equip and loads of silver bars, or dont. Simple.
  4. My main concern is the two items themselves. C'mon devs, gold rectangles and silver rectangles!? Why not just leave it as a square with 'a' on it and another square with 'b' on it?

    No-one actually reads the story, surely?
  5. Anyone notice us 15k in event people getting screwed outa full banner ug by them eliminating one event by doing 2 rings this event? Devastation 
  6. Part 3 of how many?
  7. Please consider rewarding loyal players who stayed in the clan and help hit the entire eb, as well as helping event LBs to complete 80%-90% of their ebs so that they can hop in and get the event drops. Thks
  8. Remove BR eb's and replace with a clan loyalty meter instead.
  9. Devs: If all you can do is come up with ever more ridiculous names and the same stale event structure, you will see your commission checks dive into the septic tank that is your bored, last minute creativity in designing these "oh so same old" events. Take out a loan and buy some imagination for at least one of you. Perhaps the outpouring of bored spenders will abate for a bit. WE ARE BORED WITH THIS BS. Ask the players for input if this is the best you can do. We can come up with some ideas for ya that will certainly beat these lame assed offerings. Just sayin....
  10. I mean seriously, "...he roared in fury, stops attacking and begins chanting in an eldritch
    language"? When stupidity becomes a marketable stock in trade, whomever wrote
    that tripe will be a giant in a land of midgets.
  11. I'm just sick of getting equiptment, working to get it maxed just to be outdone by new equipment 1 month later...
  12. No equip drop for top 500 in war??
  13. Why would there be?
  14. There usually is. In previous events the top 500 in war get the 25k item goal equip.
  15. That was only for non chapter events, top 500 deserves nothing. Zzz
  16. Observed that an extra 24hrs was added to the event. Might as well make it a 21-days event. Thks
  17. When is this suppose to end way past 12pst
  18. Suport
  19. I didn't even get nothing from that event and I had at least over 1000
  20. If you didn't collect your rewards you have to wait until devs put them in your inventory