40,000 Favor of Bryntalli tier gives 7 Bryntalli's Empowering Favor, the same reward as 25,000 Favor of Brytalli tier ?
I don't get why people care? Isn't faster turnaround for events better? Quicker it starts.. quicker we get rewards. Does an event running really prevent you from doing something else? If it does.. do you really need to go full try hard on every event? Just play the game how you want.. whichever rewards you get see as a bonus. Fixed!
A warrior? you loser you don't need too rewards every event... play however you want regardless of events..
To soon for another paid event, stupid IMO! Spent plenty on PvP event then last paid event!! Hope people really consider before spending on this! DEVS PLEASE DO AWAY WITH PAID EB PART OF THIS EVENT, NEED A BREAK, NORMAL EVENT AS BEFORE WOULD BE SUFFICIENT, HAVE SEVERAL TELLING ME CONSIDERING QUITTING BECAUSE OF THIS TYPE THING!
So the premium eb harpoon we got last month is already getting replaced? Really worth chasing those equips....
This is my second forum post in 5 years, and possibly my last. Two events in a row where the only way to be competitive - even get to the midpoint in rewards - is to spend money. And the equipment is three times better than any drop equipment or past event equipment earned from two weeks of hard work. I don't mind people being allowed to buy speed - crystals and seals to make you grow faster - but "pay to play" to participate in a long event is totally unacceptable. If this isn't the last such event, it will be my last event ever.
It's not pay 2 play.. maybe pay to win but that's it. At the end of the day though every mobile game is pay to win. The big spenders on these games will always come out on top and free to play players will always lag behind.. in most cases far behind. This is how things work.. go live in Russia if you don't like money k
Not saying you need to wait months between events but only a few hours? How long till we have multiple events ruining at the same time?