Lol swabs helping out new players? I asked him a question about 2 years ago..he blocked me and called me a noob :lol: jk swabs is a great guy.
i heard avatars a real prick :lol: just kiddin bro but their are alot of players that you'll probably never meet that help people constantly
Avatar has taught countless players how to play KAW without any allies.. He does it himself by sticking strictly to forums
Avatar has been one of the greatest players in the game. He has helped and trained many players.(Has trained me in many different ways)
I think they're buds and got together one day and decided to play dress up. There was probably a sleep over. You know how play dates are
I think psionic should be in the order for being a very helpful owner and is always helpful and jolly
The original picture was simply terrible. I couldn't bear it any longer I may be cycling through different knight pics as the months go on.
i nominate MIUlRIlTlIOIIUIlClIHlIIlDlEIR , he always helped me with any and all questions., concerning kaw, athinkingape inc.