Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Moose2, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. hi moose. it has been way too long since ive seen you.
  2. The question was asked: "how do the devs know who to select for this acheivement?"

    The devs are very involved with their game, and, by proxy, take note of players who stand out above the rest. The devs understand the community better than most. ;-)
  3. Sometimes i think devs are just as much into the community as regular players are :p

    As they should, anyways. They should be listening to the people opinions and ideas. It's what a forum is for.
  4. I nominate OS Drgn, a really helpful and nice mod 
  5. I would recommend RileyD for Valiant knight because he taught me and many of my clan members on how to get bigger and most importantly have fun in the game. He is very nice and very helpful when it comes to in game advice and I highly recommend his help if you're newer to this game! Good luck to everyone!
  6. I nominate PixMan for the valiant knights, he is one of the best friends u can get, is ready to help his friends in all ways, and he helps beginners with gold. My alt got volleyed over plenty of gold from him.
  7. I nominate bellemorte. Here's why.
    Many old school kaw players complain that there isn't enough pvp anymore... well belle's guide to pvp mechanics has done more for pvp than estoc has. Her thread is standard reading in all clans. And has been there long before there was any talk of valiant Knight. Belle has set the standard for mechanics threads
  8. I would like to nominate myself for Valiant Knight, as I report as many players I can :lol:
  9. I vote joe_ for Valiant Knight as well as AshesOfEden

    Both for great advise on gameplay and forums. Ashes for his funny threads and joe for entertaining threads even though he hasn't been on forums all that much as of late. Lol

    Also Fox and Eric for trolling with style lol
  10. I nominate moose

    For his amazing threads, to his explanations, self made memes and amazing forum trivia, moose is more than 'just your average moose'. He has often gone beyond the line of duty to help players and make us laugh and be happy as he gives out his weekly xtal stash, and this should be recognized.
  11. I also wish to nominate Far_Canal, he is a great player and a really nice guy. He's a great help to those around him and is a stellar example of how "Valiant Knights" should act toward others.
  12. Moose, why are you not in there? You interact and help make forums a fun place.

    Always been helpfull... I mean you put together this thread.
    I nominate you
  13. I nominate CanadianGal. Former mod, member of iG, and extremely helpful yet fierce player.

    She has been playing for quite a while and one of the very few I trust on KaW. Just speak with her, and you feel very comfortable until she tracks and strips you naked xD
  14. CanadianGal 
  15. No VK for me, I spend too much time shouting at people who make spam threads and making nonsensical replies to everything else.

    I would nominate someone, however I don't know if they're still active and I don't know their current username. I just remember him being the owner of Hopeful Misfits a few years back, and really helping me get started.

    I'd also like to nominate "B" for making pretty clear cut guides and always being open to any questions, no matter how ridiculous, I ask him. Thanks B :)
  16. Any time Insane, just doing what I enjoy.

    Thanks for the recommendation buddy :3
  17. Disappointed that Moose wasn't chosen :( he helps a lot. I see him all over forums too xD
  18. So many good suggestion
  19. I would nominate bellemorte for vk for having many awesome forum guides, teaching me about the new eb Wira, and launching an effective campaign to get support for vk
