Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Moose2, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Me, because I have always tried to benefit KAW with my quality suggestions and feedback to other suggestions.

  2. If this follows the last time Moose bumped this, we will be seeing some new VKs soon.

    Get ready to unload!
  3. This was bumped a couple months ago and no VKs.

  4. I doubt moose bumped this thread just to comment on what that guy said. :p
  5. I should be vk but my nose aint brown enough

  6. *blue

  7. Moose is alive? And he's posting something other than political/football crap? Wonders never cease.

    Don't need this crap personally. I think VK should pay out a little more each time we smack em around. Willy pays crap right now.
  8. I've never really left, but have switched largely to lurking and helping out behind the scenes. Life is too hectic at the moment for me to be as engaged with the community as I was in the past, but that will change.

    As for me posting "political crap", I do that on occasion. Generally, I try to pick polarizing topics that can draw a crowd on both sides of an issue, and politics are good for that, although if I can find a non political topic that is interesting and polarizing, I'll happily post those too.
    Poor willy.
  9. Imagine Willy riding Moose into battle.
  10. That's animal cruelty. Too much masculinity on ones back can cause damage.
  11. He is no ordinary moose though so he will be fine
  12. Consporacy theorists everywhere!
  13. Hello Moose!
    If you could take a look at my thread (here)
  14. Support.

  15. Erm, I take that back now. 
  16. That was a mistake, AJ.
    A very large mistake. ;)

    Just kidding, I'm too busy being an EB Noob currently.