Valiant Knights are NEVER useless, I can tell you. It takes a lot of effort doing so many things for the community! Of 800,000+ players in world today only 11 of them are Valiant Knights! If these 11 aren't here, Kaw may not have been better up to today now!
It's mor on the line of say 70k given or take since they showed about 100k people participating in the the best event to this date (feather event) Also I support frog the best people are the ones who most don't
Total support. All VK's are almost useless and power hungry. I should know. I am a VK and I'm always hungry for some power, but can't obtain it, because I am useless. It's a viscous cycle.
I nominate myself. Here are my accomplished feats - - I rolled my 401k into a nobility package/xstall plan. - I took my son out of college to pay for my xstalling addiction. - I vollied a new player to 6.5b. - I fixed EE. - I started the idea of HTE. - I bought a cool warrior outfit to wear when I do EE in my mom's basement. - I convinced my girlfriend that when I "kaw", I am actually saving the planet. So... long story short. No doubt about it... I should be a viagrant night.
I have a few legitimate nominations: Sean893: He's such a happy and optimistic player, and he brings light to everything in the game, whether it be clan chat, or forums. Moose: he's an awesome dude. He sparks great discussion on forums, he's super helpful, and is a great Mooserator. AshesOfEden: This man is the Kevin Hart of KaW forums. He has made me laugh until I cry on multiple occasions. So yeah, give those a gander kaw?