Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Moose2, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Oooo I like the formula idea that Donna has..

    Here's my suggestion for a formula:

    VK=(#of ally scams #rage quits you've caused)*(amount of gold you've ever stripped #of terror strips)/#of times u have been silenced-#of times u've been banned*log(#of wall and forum CF's u've received)-#of times you have flirted with Alison #of times you have appeared on Kotfe's CA

    Huh? 
  2. Oh crap.. Donno! Not Donna!

    I guess the #of times Ashes is on zaft ca is about to go up 
  3. Nah :lol: Although i have you beat there :lol: :lol:
  4. TERRA, She is a great contributor to Kaw & is always lurking [\b]
  5. let me see ashes....

    (Amount of gold I've been stripped:every ally I buy) x (# of times I'm called butthurt in WC) / (# of times I have mention cella) ^(# of days spent in a zaft CA) x (# of cf I request) x (# of whiny thread on forums made) =

    Over 9000

    So am VK now?
  6. I put it to you all. That there can be no good without evil. And i know I will never be a valiant knight but. If there's ever an evil knight badge throw that **** my way.

    Lord knows I deserve it 
  7. Villainous Knight nightmare :lol:
  8. Nightmare for Villainous Knight?

  9. I like thay formula ashesofeden.

    I don't think KotFE have had me in the CA though.

    Someone please add me to the CA in KotFE. Tell them I stole Xioxas iPad and that's why we don't have free nightly osf anymore.
  10. I vote for Perseus for the next VK he's always helping out others and keeps the kaw community going 
  11. I vote balto for next vk! All hail balto!! :lol:
  12. Who's in for Knaughty Knight awards?

    To quote Monty Python:

    LANCELOT: We were in the nick of time. You were in great peril.

    GALAHAD: I don't think I was.

    LANCELOT: Yes, you were. You were in terrible peril.

    GALAHAD: Look, let me go back in there and face the peril.

    LANCELOT: No, it's too perilous.

    GALAHAD: Look, it's my duty as a knight to sample as much peril as I can.
  13. I nominate Perseus good leader and rich
  14. I also vote for Perseus ^ I have seen him around kaw so much lately. He must never sleep because when someone I'm KaW needs help he seems to drop everything he is doing to help that person. Like if someone has a kaw question he will go out of his way to find the answer. And he is one of the few that genuinely care about your advancement in the game and your improved experience in the game. Isent that what Valiant knights are recognized for? Their improving the KaW community. Because he has defiantly improved the KaW community. Thanks Perseus for all the help with my kaw questions 
  15. I vote for iamgone. He helps all noobs. Vote iamgone
  16. That truely came from the heart #perseusfornextvk
  17. Perseus: I believe Perseus deserves this honor because not only did he answer all of my kaw related questions as did others I saw him help a few new players out with vollies and useful information. I half heartedly asked him to help my new growing clan with a tier 5 epic not really expecting him to come, which he did, and helped us along. I believe Perseus to be the quintessence of what a Valiant Knight should be. A rather strong player willing, able and capable of helping others even if it does not benefit himself