Why is it so "bad" that a group of kaw players all nominate one person? I haven't always been KotFE. I was WoG when I first met Slorgg. That means he was influential to another clan outside of KotFE. I believe that the more people who speak up about one person shows that one person really is a worthy player.
I don't think the community objects to multiple people nominating one person for VK. The community gets cynical when it seems like a coordinated campaign or nomination blast comes forward to try go get the player noticed. VK nominations need to be more organic if they are to be taken seriously. Just my moosey two cents worth.....
As a tight group we talk to each other so we know what the other is doing. Yes it does seem organized. Aren't most true campaigns?
Hump machine and maybe one other user who supports slorgg for VK posted a worthy mentioning to why he deserves VK. Players all in the same clan nominating one solicit person is 1. annoying, and 2. not helping anyone, especially if they dont give any reasoning. I'm sure Slorgg is a great player, and perhaps is an underclassmen hero who deserves to be recognized. There's tons of players out their like em. Just please dont spam 'slorgg for VK' as a clan. The OP states 'with reasoning'. Most campaigns never do anything anyway...otherwise belle would be a VK already! :mrgreen:
Just to elaborate....... When I see page after page of one person suddenly being nominated, and he/she hasn't been nominated before, it smells kid of like "try hard" or a campaign. None of our current VKs have ever had a campaign run to get them this award. They got recognized for obvious contributions. The community Input on this thread is to help highlight/confirm to the developers what most of the public already knows, (which is who should be the next group of VKs) Devs don't count "votes" and they look at the nominees long term style of game play and impact on the game. Please, feel free to nominate whom ever you wish! Even if your nomination fails, the nominee may be honored by your mention here and strive to be even better,, and that's a positive thing, but. Don't think that rounding up a bunch of buddies and blitzing this thread with 3 or 4 pages of nominations is going to do much. It doesn't work like that ;--)
I think they should repeal all vk. In my opinion Wulf ( due to extensive guides used by kaw community long standing mod), moose who seems to have written a thesis in kaw in my time here as well as being a long standing mod ( get a life moose), belle morte ( for fight mechanics thread and long standing mod) are deserving. I have had many influential mentors in kaw but no more or less than anyone else has had. These people are just as informed as any of the other recipients and give as much to the community as they have but don't blow there own trumpets or want others to blow it for them. For me the award is a popularity contest, or brown nosing contest maybe a more stringent approach could be applied - x years played, x forum posts in best of or guide section, x years volunteered as a mod, x pvp or ee etc etc. If not I'd like to nominate Ferris Buller as I hear he's having a transplant. Donnos 2 cents. Zzzzzzzzzz
Donno, I agree that there are certain people out there that do deserve VK for helping players in this game.However,Personally,I disagree on VK being a popularity contest.Before VK people didn't really know who I was, yet everyday (even before the achievement came out) I would help people via world chat,clan unlocks,etc. Here's my 2 cents! --ReBeL_MaCHiNE-- Valiant Knight
Rebel, My point is not that you didn't/don't help players, more that I can name hundreds of players that will help with unlocks ( when I first started my first clan posted ad in wc a player came and bought friends and unlocked for two days at that stage I was struggling to finish the warbeast series), give advice ( this is too long a list for me to even post but the ones that helped me when I was statless I hold dear and not many help you at this stage), the clan owners that forfeit there own growth to help others grow and teach others grow ( my second clan owner, you know who you are, selfless gave everyone a chance, looks after younger players in the game, got me and countless others hooked in the game). Hence as I think there are so many helpful players out there, there needs to be a more tangible way of distinguishing these players and this award. If there isn't it begins to loose any credit in the community. If there was a shirty, grumpy, cynical, old, sarcastic award - devs please take note I'm probably no13 at least . Donno-the-cynacal-old-batard
I nominate -Eclipso- He has helped me, and I'm sure others understand greatly about the warring system. He has even gone out of his way to help people understand time zones for warring and the basics of it as well!