Yes because I started running my mouth for every reason known to man, I just hurt your lil feewing huh? Ajadabooboo? wan baba? Binky?
Thanks for that little tid bit of information about you lopsided. You're truly fascinating. Your self appraisal is so spot on. You are clearly a kaw master. You are lopsided. Pathetic. Pointless, cowardly moron. Go back to pimd noob.
Spam, no effort. /lock :lol: jk i read bits and pieces. I get it. Stuff cost to much for some while others are all "**** it!" I do agree that devs would make more dropping prices but its also the whole "demand and supply" issue that makes devs money (OSW)
Lol so many threads today end in butt hurt.. Serves you right to get farmed.. You will think twice next time before making a thread
Kaw is not "overpriced" as people say. This game is free on the AppStore. Yes? And do you NEED to pay for crystals and all that fun flashy stuff? No. The prices can stay the same as they have always been. Stop being cheap.
You obviously didn't read the entire thread and other comments adding into the subject, along with different ideas. And you dont know me so don't jump my case please. Thank you.
He also made me cf by apologizing for nothing on thread and someone else said something to him and I get thrown back in the ring for no reason, that's cyber bullying and harassment
Just so everyone knows what's been going on this stupidity has been going on all day and I've been getting farmed for NO reason but saying "(my opinion on his opinion) I respect your opinion, please leave my thread" for the simple fact I was cursed at on page 2, and just about every page after that I was being harassed.