Optimizing Pot Consumption

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Cowlegend999, Jul 14, 2010.

  1.  wicked post
  2. Also. If one guy uses 10 attack potions

    And the defence dude uses 10.

    They will cancel out.
  3. Didn't I say that hansel? 0.o I thought I wrote they'd cancel out somewhere in the guide
  4. For part 6 about half way through I said if you use 8 attack potions wit will cancel out the defenders 8 defense potions which means it would be true for all other quantities of potions thanks tho Hans I probably should have made that more prominent
  5. Bump for all of kaw!!
  6. Bump. Well written. Wish I had seen this when I first started. I play it safe now and have more than 1000 of every pot. Lol. Cheers for the great insight 
  7. Bump for a well written piece. And now I will leave and optimize my other pot consumption.
  8. bump it sticky it print hard copies and laminate it and bind it. another rock solid moooo-torial
  10. This isn't about the pot I thought it was mm
  11. Lol snooze
  12. Still worthy of a bump 
  13. Thanks nyn! I'm surprised you'd bump it after you disagreed with it lol. I'm considering releasing a new version that will fix any unlear areas, fix the chart, add more coding and possible a new section. Just need the time lol cause I don't think the devs liked this version :( oh well can't please everyone
  14. Just bc I offer feedback does not mean I disagree w your post. I'm a firm believer that perfection does not exist & my favorite "great minds" are those who remain open minded as they live & discover.

    You can't succeed w/o trying, and even total failure is better than sticking ur head in the sand. 