
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -DeadlySpankingAngel-, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. By posting on troll paradise?

  2. @ Boba

    You sad pwars was the 1st thing done on pimd. Which was invalid. That was the reason for my post. Yes pimd had no parties at the start of its creation. It was just PvP. Pwars did get made at a later time once a trip was found in wars. One side could be cows while the other made money off hits and collected a war tax at the end. This is rare to see anymore def when cat cafe came out (like your hte).

    I for one never grew that way as it was boring as hell to me to do. If I'm going to join a war I expect to be hit by opp. Its no fun not being hit and fighting against an opp with your team for every inch of plunder. That's why wars are exciting to me.
  3. Sasuke_Uchiha I asked you to leave ages ago also. Please do so. As for the troll bit who's fault is that? I'm not making you troll in any way shape or form. I asked a legit question which you fail to understand the topic and stick with it.

    So seeing as you can't do so go kick rocks kid. Your opinions isn't needed def seeing as it is not related to topic. K? Thanks gd bye :)
  4. @sasuke

    Username inc ATK 7/71 is a trick question coz you don't report how many of your def pots were burned. It would just be username inc 7/7 ATK

    Success/attempts/pots used against you/pots you used(which is rarely used) for attacking

    Success/attempts for inc
  5. Pwars were first the exploit was well known before PiMD, the devs just never bothered to change it in later games, don't know how else to explain in a simple manner that pwars predates other ATA games by at least 4-5 months if not more.

    yes I know how pwars work and how EBs started and the dawn of paid EBs I was around for all of that. :roll:

    My money is on you've never done a 48hr war before, or know that these PvEs are nescessary in a sense it'll be slow to grow hitting bl and inactives.
  6. It took me 2+ yrs to lcbc so yes I did hit like that and yes I did 48hr wars. I liked wars that long but ata did do changes on war times not to long ago. They removed 48hr wars but added 4,6, & 12hr wars. And you are still incorrect on pwars as you need reg war 1st. Pwar didn't come until players found the trip in the game ofc.
  7. Ok let me try one more time to get it through your thick skull, saving up trillions and trillions in gold by pure PvP will take another couple of years to even get close to ALBC. The exploit for all pwars was found in KaW and wasn't different for any other game as far as I know system wars started around early 2010 PiMD didn't come out until the end of 2010 I truely hope you have the mental capability to do basic math to see pwars existed before PiMD.

    Only KaW started out with no clans, every other ATA game there were clans within a day if not less, therefore PiMD started with the exploit my first and only week in PiMD when it came out was pwars, but keep flapping your ignorant thumbs on your keyboard. If you know so much why ask for war builds, shouldn't you know them already?
  8. well put boba. read her wall and mine.shes trying to act as if i have no knowledge of this game and calling me a noob like she knows me and shes a battle hardened warrior.yet shes just came here on this game.Then trys to lecture us. i hit her on sunday for 6 hours straight on a alt matching her stats.she never hit back at all. she has the nerve to call me a eb fairy. but theres nothing wrong with being one .nobody can grow without them
  9. Boba I was talking about 1 game which you seem to be unable to understand. Anyone can tell what game I'm talking about seeing as I'm new to kaw for the most part.

    Roni I did tell you to leave or can you not understand English. You called me an eb fairy yet in both clan histories you have done way more than me in a matter of 2 days. That is what made you a noob. Throwing around lies you know nothing of bcuz you are too much of a noob just to check. Hell you are still stalking me.

    Now Ima tell you something about the definition of noob. Stats don't mean crap or the yrs you play. What makes someone a noob is the lack of knowledge in basic game playing. You obviously do and have showed that or you jump the gun trying to smash ppl down about things. Yet you don't know your head from you god forsaken ass.

    Next time you stalk me or wanna spread lies make sure you have your damn facts straight. Until then anything that comes out of your mouth doesn't mean a damn thing.

    You understand my English now!?! Get your fake ass off my thread as I've already told you.
  10. i hit you for 6 hours and you came on kaw and not once did you hit back. you went straight into the eb. all you are is big talk and known for stealing Lilis ideas and comments from her thread and her moving picture 3 times and put into yours. you insulted my friend called her names. good luck in ever thinking that youll grow on this game. ill see to it that you wont ever.
  11. yes the one game I played when it came out the only real difference in mechs was both bars are used in battles, why would I a 5 year player (albeit off and on more so after S2 EE) know nothing about the former 3 games similar to this? :roll: noobs man! :lol:

    wall a mod if you're so upset about her being here, go read RoC and know what your abilities are as OP.

    With the exclusion you named you're still a noob here, this is a thread about what war build you should have.

    N00b alert!! (Don't be salty about this for you said being a noob is a lack of understanding the game yet your thread is about asking what understanding you need for war in this game, nothing makes me happier than pointing out irony even if it comes off as very hypocritical)
  12. Opinions are like buttholes everybody has one.