
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -DeadlySpankingAngel-, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Far as I remember PiMD had pwars in the start just like FC, also lots of thirsty interwebz ppl wanting to RP.

    We have a huge ego cause we're the first borns, also your build sucks.
  2. Hansel build ftw, you make the best gold for growth. Can war as a pure spy and can steal strips in osw easy
  3. You should be a pure spy with 10tril in allies
  4. she called me a noob as if shes so pro and trys to patronize me and then trys to play the little girl lost act .
  5. if she knows it all, she shouldn't be asking noob questions. K? K
  6. exactly she called us eb fairys as if shes so hardcore and war hungary. yet doesnt ask her own clan for advice . just does a thread for it for the lavish me with your war advice. im want to enter your world because ive played myself out of my pimd one.
  7. I wonder how many new players were thinking they might get some advice when first reading the op..

    If i wasn't anonymous, id be embarrassed. Well done kawers.
  8. There is plenty of guides on forums. Op wanted attention and she received plenty. 
  9. Attention? Yeah!

    With the exception of a few, everyone looks like a bunch of scavengers trying to get a taste themselves.

    As for guides, there really isnt.

    But whatever, forums are what we make them...
  10. Yeah.. cause we really care how we look 

  11. We? You got a midget in your pocket or something? Or do you speak for everyone else here?

  12. Pwars was not the 1st thing made. Hell pwars sucked ass. I farmed inactive and active players besides doing wars. Its the only way I grew in the start def seeing as the only party selection paid crap. Which party is same as your damn eb.

    As for my build... I stopped building bcuz I was unsure about what to build. It is also why I had made this thread bcuz I wanted to know players opinions on builds for wars & osw.

    Roni I do believe I told you to leave my thread. Lili you can see your stank ass off of my thread as well.
  13. Stank is u hun. We've seen pimd ss's 
  14. Choose either Atk troop or Spy before you buy your next land or building. Theres no need to worry about upgrading buildings yet.

    After you've made your decision between Troop Atk and Spies, that will be what you stick with for now.

    If troop atk, choose between the balanced or atk heavy.

    You are building only one type of building to lvl1 and then saving to buy your next land.

    No upgrading.
    No towers.

    Just the one building type and then a land.

    The goal is to buy enough lands on High Lands, that you open the Hoarfrost Lands. I believe its 14 lands.

    Once HF lands are open you will continue exactly as you have been. You will just build the hf version of what you have been building.

    Get to 14 lands again and another set will become available. The Abyss lands.

    Continue the same process till you have 4-5 builds on the abyss lands.

    So.... Now its time for you to figure out where your build goes from there.

    -Quick Breakdown:

    Lvl 1 building have a very good gold to stat ratio. What you pay compared to the stats you receive from the lvl 2 and lvl 3 building upgrades are terrible to meh.

    New buildings, from my experience, boost max plunder more than upgrading an existing building to lvl2.

    Lvl 1 buildings are cheap. Wanna tare one down, wont be a big loss.

    Forget about trying to flip your gold on ally sales for now. Hirr what is needed for max plunder. And remember, as you grow in stats, so does the amount you earn from your max plunder. You will have to hire allies periodically.
  15. this post hurt my head, pwars are an exploit of war tax not to mention PiMD started as a PvP game like KaW (weird I know) FC and GaW. Parties didn't exist when PiMD came out just wars with the same exploitable war tax that gave birth to PvE in ATA games.

    Build whatever you want, try and make a conscious choice for yourself. Exercise that free will if you possess it.
  16. Makes thread about war builds, gets into pissing contest about war knowledge, argues off topic for the whole thread. :lol: wow
  17. SS of what exactly. You don't have a damn thing I'm worried about. You got a prob come see my nf. Your eb fairy ass stopped hitting a long time ago. And as I do recall I asked you to leave. As for the stank... Well I just couldn't type what I really wanted to say. Shouldn't be hard for you to know what I mean. Not unless you really are that dumb.
  18. You know I do love how ppl find me important enough to stalk me. Yet they keep coming back with bs they know nothing about. Then try and make assumptions about me.
  19. Thank you hun. Best advice so far. And this was the point of the thread. Yea I could of asked the clan but I wanted a wider view of what kaw community thinks on builds to them and what they think is best.