
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -DeadlySpankingAngel-, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Bby, your paragraph screams constipation.
    Do you want some ex-lax hunbun?
  2. oh I had no idea that last post was a paragraph. So sorry about your lack of reading skills hun. Btw stop calling me bby. You have nothing personal going on with me so do pick something else to use. thanks buttercup
  3. No I meant the 1st quote within our lover's quarrel.

    Bby, if you call someone "buttercup" they're going to get the wrong idea.
  4. Do you even know why I call you buttercup? Its bcuz you try to act hard but you're a damn softy inside. You aint anything but a crying little twit.
  5. And no we are not lovers so keep dreaming. Wouldn't touch your ass even if you were the last man on earth. Bcuz you are far from a man.
  6. Now do me a favor and go kick rocks kid. So far you have done nothing to contribute to this topic. So please move along and leave buttercup. K? K thanks!
  7. You're right I am a softy, bby (^3•) <<--wink kissy face
  8. You so hurtful bby.
    Guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight.

    I'll leave but only because you asked me to nicely,"nuppet" ;)
  9. Some ppl are just too damn dense... And nasty if I may say
  10. gosh angel works quick . only 1 day and shes hooked up with a kaw man . but playing hard to get so he pleads n begs her to please be his girl.

  11. I'll just wait til you "quit" an Ata game again. :|

  12. First page yet no one caught this... dance? Go back to pimd lol
  13. Pure stables and guilds

    That's what I have
  14. Ps1, spy towered, or attack heavy attack with spy towers

  15. That's horrible advice.
  16. A lot of your fighting actions are about the same or did you fail to notice this.
  17. Was it so wrong that I left the game which had really was lacking in PvP?
  18. With are you on about Roni. Get over yourself. All you go on about is me taking men. Are you jealous? I haven't taken anyone nor do I care to. But it looks as if thats all you care about. Take your ass on n leave the thread with your stalker ass.
  19. You know its sad how many of you are. I left a game bcuz of no wars. I was lucky if I saw a war once or twice a Mth.

    So yea I came here bcuz PvP is still on this game. I'm legit trying to learn yet all I get is bs from players. Wtf do you want from me. Excuse me I came across pimd 1st and loved it bcuz of the wars. Is that such a bad reason to like a game? Then once it died off I tried to find another game that has it.

    Wth is wrong with you ppl? Like really are your egos that big.
  20. So if you can't contribute to the topic of this damn thread go find another thread to post on. Bcuz you are not helping with a damn thing.