Operation Storm Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Bastion, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. I'm back, and story will now be continued.
  2. Haha lol mat thanks
  3. **UPDATE** Chap 6 is up
  4. Nice ch bastoin
  5. Thanks didn't have a lot of time to work on it :)
  6. **UPDATE** chapter seven FINALLY up
  7. You know you can change the name of my character to something better if you want.
  8. Ummmmm..... Ok then.
  9. It's a good story though. Short but sweet chapters.
  10. Thank you. :p
  11. SpecOps use M4's not MP5's. Chapters 4 & 5 were unbearable. A katana is not only an impractical weapon, there is no reason a special forces soldier would use it. Despite nitpicky stuff like that it's good.
  12. Thanks...I think.

    Gods Ninja requested to be a ninja, and a wepaon listed was a katana, so I figured I'd throw it in. And I've seen MP5's used in spec op movies but I'm not a huge spec ops buff
  13. Sorry for being nitpicky about small details. It was good but my jack***ery made it sound like I hated it.
  14. Well thanks man :)
  15. **UPDATE** Chap 8 up!
  16. Maybe :x Your shot for sure tho
  17. Im Not your friend anymore!!!!
