Operation Storm Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Bastion, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. Bast said you were larger than most of the other people and only fat people say "Raaaaahhhh!"
  2. As in strong ^^^
  3. Thanks bastion, lol
  4. Make those dossiers yet?

  5. **UPDATE** chap 5 is up
  6. Why did I have to lose? Lol
  7. Because i needed a way for Saint to fit in and be known in the base
  8. Great job, Bastion!
  9. Thx irin! That was the boring chapter :p next is exciting though
  10. Can't wait! =)
  11. Thx Irin.

    TNO!! What?
  12. ARD!!!

    Jkjk sorry
  13. Next chapter awsome!!
  14. Loved it. Gods got his ass whooped

  15. Hey. I almost won. That was a lucky hit. I will get you next time saint!!!!! Lol
  16. Don't worry gods, I'm sure bastion is going to make us be friends when I save your life

    (not for sure going to happen in story, for all I know I could end up killing gods because he's a spy)

    (that might not happen either)
  17. Awesome story Bast!