Operation: Let There Be Light

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AW_BlackFission-_-Wolf_NO, Mar 27, 2017.

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  1. Batdog needs this drama to bring his own into highlight.See you couldnt finish off Wolf on your own after all these years.So you join up with anyone against him. This shows how totally useless you are by yourself. And i did put up last night i hit your account.But you failed to hit back even once.The eb was calling you that was your only perogative.You gotter laugh at these e.thugs thinking they tough behind a screen. Go cry to your kaw girlfriend you sad oaf batdog . You are useless
  2. You stated 500 yet reality you only have 1.This whole slander is a sham with no foundations . Pathetic is all you are.
  3. I personally believe everything bad said against op is true and would say more but that would get me a forum ban.
  4. Dont even lie rusted because you said a completley different thing to me. Whose pulling your strings ?
  5. I wanted to believe op, i don't like half of you noobs hitting him but after seeing the screen shots sent by op it makes no sense

    "Yeah she said she was 14 dozens of times but i thought she was joking"

    "You disagree with me so you must have your own secret agenda " -wolf right before he blocked me on a third party app.

    Bruh this is a kids taptap game, yeah I've been plotting your demise for years even though i didn't know you existed until yesterday.

    Op is mentally ill.

    Most of the people who are hitting op are huge fairies, so they obviously have a good reason to hit if they're actually fighting op.

    That's my piece.
  6. Grave you obviously dont possess much brains if you cant see the truth in front of you . That screenshot was faked . it is easy to make up clone screennames on 3rd party app. Add a picture and who is to know who is really behind it.Then just copy their writting lingo and spellings .Then to the non-thinker it looks without questioning it real. Likewise the female isnt really a teen its a adult posing as a teen. Then they do a fake scenario story and screenshot it. Who ever takes it for truth is very naive and stupid.

  7. You do realise that Ronald doesn't actualy play this game, yes? It stalks the forums and posts drivel all over hoping someone will give it the attention it's craves.

    Best thing to do is ignore it, you cannot reason with Ronald.
    Facts, screenshots or even the truth doesn't matter when it comes to Ronald. It's a bit daft and slow on the uptake.

    Regardless of what you say or what logic you use to counter it's outlandish accusations, Ronald will strut around and say whatever it wants to say and keep spewing more garbage. That's what it's known for.

    Word of advice, stop feeding the troll, it'll lose interest and go away eventually. ;)

    This guy knows what I'm talking about. :lol:
  8. All I'll say on the subject is if it wasn't true why would wolf post on my wall about it being 4 yrs ago when the ss show 2 and that there is a statute of limitations for it hmmmmm
  9. ohh look i have got another fanboy here venom who is from asia/europe worldchat using a i.p changer to get into u.k/usa worldchat. And yes i do play kaw you know nothing about me venom you are from the other worldchat. I just left my clan the other day to do somethings. All venom does is stay in hte /zta clans .Anybody decent would use their seals in their home clan. Keep leeching off my fame venom . Because you cant stand alone and shine in your own name sake .
  10. Nobody knows you venom go make a name for yourself elsewhere and out of my shadow. And i dont need the attention i can get it easy without defending anyone. i do this for what is right and you slandering someone and cloning him to spread malicious and vindictive lies is showing how corrupt you are.

  11. Oh yes Roni, the NF full of failed hits warranted me hitting back an account 1/3rd my size so you could cry about that & try to flip it against me.

    For the official record, I NEVER asked ANYONE with help finishing off wolf. As stated my reasons ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Why there doing it HAS NOTHING PERSONALLY TO DO WITH ME.

    Lastly, I will say this Roni did manage 2 successful attacks on me. After I emptied on Lotl. Again, you are not my target Roni. However you stayed pinning on me, so hard to hit back after you fail hit me numerous times.
  12. This has to be a first time saying this but, Xeam makes a good point. If he wasn't trying to do something innapropiate why would he be asking about the stature of limitation?

  13. Roni, you're the one who has no brains, i didn't even see the screen shot you're talking about, i just saw the many holes in wolf's story

  14. I dislike Roni but one good thing i can say about her is she hits consistently, she's not JUST a fourm troll.
  15. See it's amazing how she keeps on with "Show me the proof", then when it's presented she turns to "It's fake, those aren't real". She asked and recieved now she's trying to pass it off without admitting she's wrong.
  16. She keeps running her mouth cause she knows she's caught up I don't care who is who where I only want wolf to be gone so girls can play kaw with out the worry of what he has done to several minors already
  17. Amem
  18. Grave you rambling now .Wolf hasnt even said anything except his first comment.So you just bandwagoning without haveing a clue what you talking about.
  19. I dont cry over 1 account lol you are plain dumb. Try being hit in a osw and hit by a alliance then you will know how 1 account means nothing .You dont have any effect on me.
  20. Says the oddball r.p pair.
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