Operation:Interception Sign-Up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by german_idiot, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. Ur in it but ur not apart of the main squad
  2. Well yeah but it woulda been cool but I guess air force wouldn't be in much

  3. Don't worry ull b shooting down MiGs in no time๎„…
  4. I believe the Koreans used weapons provided by soviet Russia

    So like ak-47's migs and other soviet stuff
  5. Also I may do a first person view from ur perspective when ur attacking
  6. Bjorn is our airforce support :)
  7. That's wut I want to be

    So techniquily I'm a main character but not in the main squad
  8. Mayb I'm not reveiling much now bout this
  9. Will any of us die?
  10. ............mayb
  11. Noooooooooo!!!!!!
  12. Prob me..... But don't worry tant I'll pew tem baddies
  13. I'm giving all sniper support I can as captain
  14. Yeah but I'm doing a prolouge type thing up to show what led to the point in the story
  15. I wanna be in story!!!
  16. Oh hey colt what's up
  17. Name: Bastion
    Branch: Seals
    Age: 25
    Weapon: M16
    Choose the rest for me. ๎„
  18. Well I can't just put bastion so how bout James Bastion