Operation:Interception Sign-Up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by german_idiot, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. Ok Intervention will be fine, but I hope I have to stick with for the whole stroy
  2. Thanks Chris for that ur in and u get a puppy
  3. LOL mes love sniper
  4. Mines the best!! It's on page 1
  5. Duh my is good too
  6. Ur both good that's why u guys r contenders for the final cast or crew or something like that
  7. Branch: Army Rangers
    Age : 18
    Weapn: nun-chucks
    origin : rainbow road california
    BIO : 18 year old boy exploring his sexuality while killing terrorist with his nun-chucks and mushroom stamping those he leaves dead
  8. Hey G.I. Joe wazzup man!

    name: General Jason Harvey
    age: 30
    branch: lol idk sh*t bout da army so ya
    weapon: idk some kinda sniper?
    Birthplace: does it have 2 be in da us?
  9. Bio: been in the army 4 a few years very skilled with snipers likes nothing better than 2 off a couple of @$$holes
  10. I would prefer them to b US jay but they can British or Israeli or whoever else is our ally
  11. @ Bjorn- only Officers are pilots :p you have to be like a first LT or sumthing lol
  12. Lol all of you Army guys should change your characters to Marines xD Army kinda sux- they mostly just police the Iraqis while the Marines do all the work 
  13. name : sargent maijor Deric holmes marines
    wepons : UMP45, explosives and machanics
    Bio: Been a marine for 13 years severd 5 years i Iraq. Well respected amoung collegues.
    Age: 33
    Place of birth: detroit
  14. Mayb laboa sorry but i don't know much about the navy or airforce ranks can u give some ranks
  15. name: Robin
    Age: 20
    Sex: F
    Weapon of choice: Shotgun
    Im wit the marinez
  16. @Laboa I said he went to the academy look at the bio
  17. Ok then gi idk who the us's allies r so my characters birthplace will be palm springs, California
  18. LOL hope this story is good
  19. U and me both tant
  20. Ok guys the special squad will hav AVIR assault rifles