Operation:Interception Sign-Up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by german_idiot, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. But I'm the only 1 in the Air Force
  2. Ok but Dont keep the sigh up to long
  3. Well the green berts are still awsome
  4. U can pilot the Osprey that takes the soldiers to the the DZ
  5. Just make sure mine is in it :) and mine can be a helicopter sniper.
  6. No I wanna be air support

    Either Apache heli or A-10 Thunderbolt
  7. Ok chris I won't this is my first story though so I don't know how things usually work on here
  8. Ok bjorn ull pilot both an Osprey and f-22 raptor
  9. No

    Me wanna shot them bogies down!!
  10. What about me????
  11. I will tell you if you got enough
  12. Tant if I use ghillie snipers too much people will think I copied call of duty I'll still make u a sniper though and bjorn u can pilot the f-22 u ok w/ that
  13. Ok........u sure?
  14. Well I hope I get in but if I don't it's ok do you know where I put all my sigh up posts
  15. Btw my character doesn't always have to be sniper he can also use M4A1.
  16. German_idiot..
    You're no german, are you?
  17. Partly with a bit of British Irish and Hungarian but mostly German though
  18. U gonna use the ranks we post?