Operation:interception feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by german_idiot, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. Soccer is awesome
  2. I'm just glad it's almost over
  3. I love soccer,football,and volley ball!! ;-)
  4. My soccer is just gettin started
  5. 7.76 which the Ak-47 fires.

    7.62x39 just letting you know.
  6. That was it sorry for messup
  7. Another chapter up plz comment
  8. Like the chapter!
  9. Thanx lady u gonna work on battle camp later.....cause seymor doesn't wanna wait anymore
  10. Umm... I'll try! I started a chapter but it's just a few paragraphs... Can we work something out? I've got cupcakes! 
  11. Not this time........he wants pancakes 
  12. Hmm... I have left overs from this morning, and a poem I'm about to post!

  13. Oh, and I lost the game
  14. Hmmm throw in a bowl of noodles and u gotta deal
  15. What kinda noodles?
  16.  man! I love the noodles! *sigh* here you go
  17. Symphoney, have a cupcake! 
  18. Mm,yummy!!Is it red velvet