/Upon hearing the mention of RP, the male turned. His lengthy hair flicking as he did so. Very slowly, his head rotated counter clockwise. Iris' of an azure hue scanned the many faces. Having searched the room, he decided it was best to find a seat upon witch he could sit. Timid movements lead him down a royal red carpet that sat atop a cobblestone floor. Having followed this for a few moments it opened into a large hall. Rows of benches and chairs sat aligned. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting the room in dim light. He strode to one of the benches and lowered himself to sit.- "ahhh"
Their pants are still up and they are not eating cheetos on the bench. I vote that they are legit and not trolling .......lmao.
I 'opened' a jar of pickles today. Then closed the jar and placed it in the fridge... Am i doing it right?