open farm on -destructive-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIIpsychedeIicIlIlshamanllIIl, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. Nothing mate. -destructive- believe himself he is the highest mighty god.
  2. Mighty god? Really? That's what u see me as? Lol
  3. Dagger, I'm telling you, send email to ata. Report him for farming you. He will get banned.
  4. Because farming is bad mmmmkay
  5. Mmmmmmkaaaayyyy
  6. Codeine he already tried that lol
  7. Op nekkid, good job dest.Btw op learn to fight your own battles.
  8. Destructive why be mean? I farm you bully, let alone clan fite me just. You no god only bully you are. Farm kaw him he need lesson now. Leave clan I in be no hit or 5 clan farm u till reset, bully you are mental help need u
  9. Just realized op followed me and pm'd me a sob story about this back on July 27 just because he saw me on -destructive- wall.. You been farming his silly ass for awhile
  10. If a clan decides to jump destructive I'll pin the whole clan️. That's how I roll.
  11. Don't be so harsh on yourself Omar
  12. Hmm wonder if it's possible to find op's allies about now to strip him again lol
  13. I can't find him the name exceeds the character limit. With a name like that I say he is a haxor!!
  14. Sorry dagger you won't get a cf easily
    U posted my monkey open. Unforgivable offense if anyone is gonna spank his monkeybutt and enjoy it, it's damn well gonna be me.
    Live and learn the hard way if you must
  15. Well. Thank you very much -destructive- I woke up again stripped by HOG. It's start getting to be annoying....
  16. They stripped me 3rd times in row at night....
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