wakes up and sits up startled. He sees men surrounding him and hears one say "your under arrest for attacking the high lord Horace." Ythan smiled a little then teleported behind a guard killed him then teleported to a different guard and repeated til no guards remained. After that he Controlled the wind to the building over but not land on him. When the building was gone he returned to his employer amd collected his reward.
Name: Beridan Gender:male Age:17 Bio: black, long, silky hair, pale, skinny Weapons:riversteel short sword,advanced seeker long bow ( with magical arrows) and sabertooth knife. History: His parents were king and queen of an extinct race of ancient elves, and he was born before they were all slaughtered by Orcs. He was raised by a poor kind blacksmith, and that village was also slaughtered by Orcs, he vowed to get revenge for all who died under Orc reign and was named Beridan, (which in Elven means defender of men).
Name: Neo Race: Blackwing- Dark angel with reasonably close resemblance with humans Powers: onyx stone allows him to disappear and lower my atomic structure Weapon: Scythe made out of crooked rubys and on giant price of ruby blade, if it ever left my side it would turn back into a pencil in my wing flap
*gets up from his spot and heads into town* ill be back soon sis. *leaves heading back to the blacksmith*
Walks into town and sees a man arguing with the blacksmith about a twin pair puff katanas and walls over to then. Gorge him the blades I say and here<hands blacksmith the money from my latest jon to bribe the blacksmith>take this
*Walks out blacksmith...Goes into archery shop and buys poison bows and A crossbow, Hides in bush outside Blacksmith*
*chases after the person who helped him after he grabs the blades* hey why would you help me out like that. A compleat stranger...
*Attemps to shoot Ythan* "Those bloody blades belong to my mother!! That Idiot blacksmith 'ad to steal it!!! They're cursed 'cause of the fiendish mountin on the journey to my mothers blacksmith! Pass it over NOW!!!" *Shoots again misses by an inch, And again skimming his hair, he charges over with his sword!*
Feels the wind of the arrow brush past my face. I whip around and see Santh following me and I yell "If you wish to meet me the be at the forest of the lost soldiers tomorrow at the crack of dawn." Knowing I was being hunted I teleported on top odd a house and then jumped off of it and then when I was only a few meters from the grounds I made a few hundred mph wind to carry me to he Forrest where I was meet Santh the next day.