Name: Archangel Kain Gender: Male Species: Angel Discription: 6 foot 4, skinny with light brown skin, dark medium length brown hair, white flaming eyes, and with black, 20 feet long (wingspan) wings. Attitude: mysterious, very hard to understand his thinking, and 2 steps ahead of his enemies. Weapons/Armor: Has a iron staff with a mysterious unknown gem on top, a two handed obsiadian sword that can turn into difrent elements, and has 2 light weight (unkowm mineral) daggers. Has heavy gemmed armor and a cloth tunic from time to time. Powers: 1. Is a spell elemental spell caster. 2. Can fly. 3. Can disappear into darkness. 4. Summon demons into battle. History: Born as an elf, he was later found in a burned village, he was the only survivor. After being found in the ruins he was taken in by another archangel. After years his hatred grew for the man who killed his family and later became a dark angel. After years of hunting the man who killed his family down he has yet to find him.......
Name: Reaper_Gratul_The banished Species: Soul reaper Description: His dark, lifeless eyes are said to pierce and freeze the souls of others by just one look. He stands at 7'1". His body seems to be shrouded with a cloud of darkness. His eyes are everlasting flames of darkness. His robe is tattered and is drenched with blackness. Weapons: A scythe with a blade of fire and the shaft a tower of skulls. Magic/powers: With one slice of his scythe he can cut the very fabric of time. The timekeepers powers are completely useless in these fractions of time where time is split, and the infamous enemies of this reaper are feverishly cut down. Attitude: Easily angered, sinister and cynical, possessed with superior intelligence, cursed with the spirit of hatred, and has inherited an incomprehensible patience beyond understanding. History: The original reaper created by the creator. He was destroyed by angels, and demons alike for eternities. After suffering these horrible punishments; he was given the power to tear time and to exact revenge on those beings and to gather their souls. His chaotic destruction was to much, and he was soon banished to the underworld and replaced with another reaper created by the creator called Death. Gratul now dwells in the eternal darkness of the underworld patiently waiting for the day he is released once again to scour and ravage the lands.
Umm shadowreaper i kinda find ur chars history and abilities on the borderline of god modding...i'll allow it but if i think i see some godmodding i'll have to ask u to repost or leave just depending on the situation)$
God modding= the act of making ur character god like making him Inmune to all attacks and unable to die...))
I'm being an omnipresent bumper Name-Bumper Height - nA Weight- nA Age- Older than time Skills- omnipresent/creator of everything Weaknesses- nA Equipment- Is the creator of everything, doesn't need anything Appearance- translucent shimmering of a humanoid form, it is said if you look at their true form the world will end Personality- Only graces the thread with its presence when it needs a bump.
*shoots* Reaper_Gratul_The Banished. Reaper_Gratul_TheBanished dies. See he's not invincible. R.I.P. Reaper_Gratul_TheBanished
Umm lerjj... "creator of everything" is considered god modding please edit ur char and add a height and age if u ppl actually read page 1 i specificly say no god modderes))