open fantasy rp bio

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Kellrivas, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. *buys katana*-pretends to Conor Macleod-
  2. -examines the architecture-
  3. Yells "there can be only one!"
  4. *stands in the air watching a strange being with a shiny object*
    "Evaporate..." disappears compleatly
  5. "who are you..." ruby scythe glimmers as it slowly forms a solid
  6. -wonders of anyone gets my highlander references-
  7. I got it lol))
  8. This is really cool, so I'll join in
    Name: Sky
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Appearance: Long blonde hair with blue eyes and olivy skin
    Is uaully nice, like to be quiet.

    **Also if you like rp, camp demigods rp demigods :3**
  9. Oh and more
    Power: Able to evaporate and reappear, she is very fast to.
    Weapon: Long dagger with carvings, Also a white bow with white arrows
  10. Lol I'm in that clan
  11. (I'll send my bio soon)
  12. (Great we have the Yin-Yang...)
  13. Description: 6'2", in shape, long dirty blond hair(covers eyebrows and ears, halfway to neck), he's an elf
  14. Name: Chris
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Armor: hard yet supple leather that will absorb shock from most physical attacks
    Weapon: a sword, hand-and-a-half hilt, long, evenly balanced. He also has a dagger that doubles as a throwing knife.
    History: murky, his father died protecting his mother. His mom then was murdered, he was 3 and doesn't remember. He grew up the rest if his life with some kid on the street.
  15. Powers: very fast and great eyesight(super-elf eyesight)
  16. *steals grapes by opening a warp hole under the stand and grabbing some*
  17. Chris:*snatches the grapes and hands them back* buy your own bro *hand instinctively reaches toward his sword
  18. -watched the steal the grapes-