open fantasy rp bio

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Kellrivas, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. *chases after her* sis you ok?
  2. Sis talk to me whats wrong?
  3. "Just leave me alone."

  4. -sits in a tree nd sharpens my blades- -watches Mavado nd Christine-
  5. *sees a tree and sits there*
  6. -sheathes my blades

    -closes my eyes nd quietly sings an elvish song-

    -sways with the music-
  7. -opens my eyes nd leaps out of my tree- feeding time.

    -walks to a clearing nd calls Gorthon down-

    -rubs his muzzle nd climbs on his bak-

    Good boy Gorthon.
  8. *sees Cyressin and giggles*
  9. -smiles- do u wish to come meet Gorthon?
  10. "Okay."

    *stands up*
  11. *punches nearest person*
  12. -shoots iron in the leg with 3 arrows- stop
  13. -puts my bow away nd pats Gorthon-

  14. Laughs at wounds "the name Marcus work on your aim youngster"
  15. Wait here.

    -leaps down nd walks into the forest-