open fantasy rp bio

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Kellrivas, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. *Does a barrel role*
  2. -watches iron scared-
  3. -watches santh- -keeps hand on the hilt of one of his swords just in case-
  4. *looks at Cyressin and raises an eyebrow*
  5. -looks at Christine- -tilts head- -looks at Mavado- -tilts head-
  6. "Who are you?"

    *puts hands on hips*
  7. Looks at person staring "what u lookin at!"
  8. *puts hand on mouth and giggles*
  9. *does a flip and fails* "Guess I'm to old for flips..."
  10. *walks towards a tree and sits down*
  11. *limps toward the person resting on the tree and punches him/her*
  12. *is hurt*

    "Thank you so much."

  13. I am Cyressin -relaxes some- I know little en...glish?
  14. -puts hand on it nd closes my eyes-
  15. *looks up and stands up*

    "I'm going home."

    *limps home*

  16. *growls drawing his blades* why did you punch my sister!? *takes a battle stance*stance of war... Now you die!
  17. *sits down on a chair when gets home*

    "Ouch.I'm gonna kill him."

    *is in pain*
  18. -looks at Mavado in surprise- wat? -draws swords-