open fantasy rp bio

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Kellrivas, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Cyressin is full elf. This is his first Tim in human town. Page 13 had my desc I think))
  2. Cyressin is full elf. This is his first time in a human town. U think page 13 us his description
  3. Omg iPod spazzing >.< it said it didn't post the first time >.<
  4. -slowly sets bow down nd steps forward- Mëlôn?
  5. -slowly sets bow down nd steps forward- Mëlôn?
  6. -slowly sets bow down nd steps forward- Mëlôn?
  7. OMG!!!! (((((((>.<)))))))
  8. -slowly extends hand- f-f-frie...nd?
  9. -glances from iron to santh to Sara-
  10. -walks bak nd picks up my bow- -puts it on my bak nd climbs onto a nearby roof-
  11. -stops nd jumps down- -walks over to Sara- -holds hand out- f-frien..d's?
  12. Laughs at injuries "that all little fellow? Back in my day this was just a scratch" I pull out my old sword and start dancing
  13. *sheaths one blade keeping the other out just incase* you ok sis?
  14. "I guess in okay."

    *looks toward a tree and doesn't breathe*
  15. *sheaths his blades* alright *he remain quiet smiling at his sis*
  16. "I want to go home."

    *tries to limp but is actually limping*