Open challenge to big_sparky_420 and friends

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Player74757373, May 9, 2015.

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  1. All these WEAK
  2. Dtw, once again. You're such a waste of time
  3. I've been open for awhile Shadow. Go back to your circle jerk
  4. Not even worth me finishing that sentence
  5. Took you 3 minutes to do that? I think your fat fingers must've hit submit accidentally, don't worry, I won't judge you if that actually happened and you're too lazy (or dumb) to go back and fix it
  6. No mom was making me a sandwich. It had pickles on it!!
  7. Your mom seems like a nice lady, can you introduce me?
  8. Yes I will sir! You're a guy right? She's not into women
  9. I am really disappointed kaw. You guys talk tough but can't shut one guy up..:/
  10. Looks like someone got you "shut up" in game.
  11. Yea a crooked mod
  12. I don't see you shutting me up in game buttnaked. You forum troll ;)
  13. I have 10k troops and 93k spies...come on kaw
  14. Why? Are you actually doing anything? Nope.

    Only thing you got is this thread.

    You should read back through it.
  15. You're a big key board warrior. Come at me. I pay hte figures. Don't be scared buttnaked
  16. There...I started it with 2 failed scouts. Fight me
  17. Ive zero'd you numerous times all ready.
  18. Oh you can't because you're another fairy. Smh
  19. Someone's mommy and daddy need to take away Lil bond's phone and internet privileges. He needs to sleep some more because the little boy is cranky
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