Open challenge to big_sparky_420 and friends

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Player74757373, May 9, 2015.

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  1. -Comes to forum and tells everyone to hit him.

    -Now is a badass
  2. That would take days lol
  3. Hell yea buttnaksd I ain't scared of your pansy ass clan either
  4. So one guy hitting u constitutes his whole clan hitting u? Logic.
  5. I would be embarrassed to have my clan waste their time hitting you.

    Your not even any good at trash talk.
  6. Will you teach me to trashtalk? I need lessons from a kaw god as yourself
  7. You people have utterly failed my open challenge. I'm disappointed in you kaw land....all these badasses around here and you can't make lil ole me hit reset. Tisk, tisk...pansies
  8. Again, it's you're choice to hit that reset button.
  9. How do you make someone reset? Shall i force your finger onto the reset button? Force you to type your password? I dun understand
  10. This thread has been up for about 12 hours. If you hit reset by now I'd be really embarrassed
  11. Please do Omar!! That sounds fun. You people run your mouths like s me how badass you really are kaw. So far I'm not impressed
  12. Also I'm better than twinky, so u should ask for lessons from me. (Sorry twinky)
  13. You've done nothing to me Shadow. I'm embarrassed you posted on this thread
  14. Then teach me hero!!
  15. As you can tell I'm an alt, trust me, I've hit you, its just hard to unload on a dtw target.

    Also, you're the only one running their mouth on this thread
  16. I need a seal as payment. ( I'm an eb fairy)
  17. So all these other comments are a figment of my imagination? :eek: oh and ss or bs shadow. You're full of crap. Scared to talk with your main?
  18. :lol: Scared :lol: Yep, so scared
  19. Perhaps we should gangbang his clan and see if he still talks crap.

    That's usually the loppy way lol
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