Open Challenge from Forever One

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Hitokiri_Battousai, Mar 2, 2015.

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  1. Lol agree
  2. I think I addressed that in my first line of my post lol. I don't even say no match in my post. We aren't complaining at all just saying lets even it up and knuckle up. Obviously we can just borrow some hansels from the sub and cast 5 bc tanks and 10 mid hansels. I don't think that's fair imo. Like I stated previous just give me a reasonable cs range and we'll make it happen.
  3. Vamp, Ty for comments. Always appreciated. Btw, how have you been? It's been a while. ️
  4. I dont see were u will adjust to be fair. Even if we said something like 850m cs u will go for 900m cs. Everyone trys to get advantage. I dont see silver getting close to being in your cs range anytime soon and we really are not doing much ee now like before because of the current osw we are in. Maybe show that you are willing to war smalller and i am sure more clans will cast bigger. If not have fun getting max equipment next season doing individual wars
  5. How to show you that we are willing to war smaller we just cast don't look at the cs. Never have never will but we can meet at 850 mil cs that's reasonable. Why you think we'll go 900 that's just slander and calamity. If we agree to go 850 mil cs we go 850 mil cs that's just integrity. Just pm me and we'll make it work it nm continue to be an issue. You guys aren't necessarily small and you have beat us before evenly matched. That's why I said you usually are in our range now not so much.
  6. We are currently smaller
  7. Thanks for feedback cloud :)
  8. Just pm me the cs you would like and we'll see what we can do cloud. Obviously because of the osw most aren't upgrading as fast as those that are not and I respect that. So we'll do what we can within reason if there's clan that want to war but just aren't because of the cs difference. I'll take an even match any day over a 200 mil cs mismatch or a no match.
  9. Aku hard to come close to warring you guys there is a 20m cs gap between just me and u. Wouldn't even matter the cs gap between clans it would be individual vs individual would be to much. There is nothing to gain to try and get close to your cs. If we war it will probably be the bracket below you. Would rather skip war then give away free mith to you guys or just match clans in our size range.
  10. True cloud. Maybe we can try to go smaller
  11. Damn you guys are in a real pickle. Not only are you significantly bigger than most clans, but it's not like anyone WANTS to match you guys.

    Best thing you can do is downsize.. Play at a much smaller CS, otherwise don't think you guys will be warring any time soon.

    Good luck!
  12. And to think this is just chaos wars with 15 people rosters. I can't see you guys getting a match during season 5 if the rosters go back to 20 members.
  13. Damn agree we'll figure it out thanks cloud. I remember this happening when HF came out and somehow kaw corrected itself. I just hate to feel like a leper because I upgraded. I'll go sit in the corner now and just do individual wars.
  14. Fonzi your a seasoned vet if we go like 5 bc tanks and 10 ps and match the mid clans wouldn't you think it's and exploit.
  15. Ill take the challenge hun.
  16. I think you guys deserve to war also so ill pm you and set it up.
  17. Aik im doing the math and we definatly cant reach 850 our usuall stat range is at most 675m. Pm me your thoughts.
  18. Depends how small your ps are I guess bro. But that's not the only thing you could do. You can have smaller atk builds, little tanks etc.

    Bottom line is: you do what you need to get a match. The smart clans will watch you, and try to avoid you, as they have always done.

    You're too big? People get mad. Too many PS? People get mad.

    As long as you're not using sh, I wouldn't consider it an exploit. Smaller PS have a hard time stealing/ass anyways, so it won't be an easy match.
  19. 100% agree with fonz sh was the only exploit the rest may be "stacking" but thats all strategy and can be countered. However right now people can easily choose to or not to match you. If you want I do have some tips that could help you, any of you guys can pm me.
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