oooh, Pinky!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Star_Child-, Nov 13, 2012.

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  1. word: Pinky did not "go after" star for the joke, but because she tried to hide behind the fact that she was in his sub clan to avoid being hit. For that, if she hadn't left, she'd have been kicked. Cowards don't belong in my clan. 
  2. yeah. you are skipping ahead of my point.

    op made a wall post as a joke. pinky started farming him. op said "woo dude i am in a subclan, i was just kidding". pinky said "too bad, i think that doing this will make me luck hard".

    then this thread happened.

    maybe i misread it. but i doubt it.
  3. @Lynx..

    Perhaps you hadn't noticed, but Pinky and all of LR for that matter, are in a pretty serious war ATM..

    Personally, I think his being dtw has a correlation to said war..

  4. Thats why I'm helping foxes as we speak I'm looking for a suitable person to hit
  5. Okay, first it's literally impossible for pinky to have farmed her, mechanics wouldn't allow someone his size to hit her. Second, yes, I am absolutely sure pinky sits at his desk thinking "hmm, how can I 'luck hard' today." 

    You should doubt yourself more often, because you're wrong and misread.
  6. Embarrassing me how?

    Listen up!
    1st I got a post from her on my wall,(I don't check stats nor clans)
    2nd posted her walling saying if it was negative to stay off my wall or I would farm
    And wtf. Have hit clanmates and they like it ;)

    But no I'm not embarassed at all more happy that we weeded out this weak noob b4 it was further into her membership at LR
    Hell belle can spank me anyday and I won't use LR against her :lol:
  7. Word check stats before posting.
  8. @Rissa, you're missing the point. Again.
  9. i agree.

    in fact i have suspicions that one of the alts whining about last rights in the past few days was actually pinky.

    the dude is a fake. his entire kaw persona is an act. i have seen him switch tunes more often than a dj at a bad strip club.
  10. Is this only because he mentioned he was in his sub clan? I think a more clear translation would be "Look, it was a joke. I'm in your sub clan for gods sake, do you think I honestly would be him?". Maybe he was covering up but that's just my two cents.
  11. i never check stats before posting. :|
  12. Word *facepalm ...give me a break .I farmed her?? Really? No , I have already stated what happened and left it on my wall till rissa seen this, my first post was that I will farm yes and I believe it is still there.

    Bash me all u want for weeding out the weak but I'm not sad about it, good riddens
  13. you walled and didn't check stats or clan?

    this from the guy that knows when i am online but not hitting? :roll:
  14. Lynx 0ed biggest noob I've seen in a while
  15. Pinky is there a small time idiot out there that doesn't hate your ass :p I swear calling out pinky threads are the new big cool thing nowadays
  16. this is what someone who isn't a complete narcissist would think.
  17. Yes word I'm your stalker, no worries.

    I have no alts and this is my main,been posting with it a long enough time.

    U start hitting players and u can be as cool/ gather as many tears as me.

    I love when my name comes up in an op, makes me lol, u jelly?
  18. Humour isn't favoured over there then... Comedians are regarded as weak and must be purged.

    Stalin and the USSR anyone?
  19. Pinky blocked me  I hope LR knows he does not follow through with his talk all that well. I guess using the block button work better.
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