oooh, Pinky!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Star_Child-, Nov 13, 2012.

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  1. Nobody should be afraid to be hit, point? Say that she said she was LR sub and ur acct is mine
  2. That was funny Belle changed you post from alt to main. Mod power. Could tell it was you, saw the blood vessels on your forehead nub.
  3. pinky: feared by inactive accounts everywhere. 
  4. Also true war is about honor, respect, valor, strategy, etc.
    it is neither honorable or of good strategery to target me when I can't hit you back :lol: so don't talk to me about how this is a war game. It takes a real big man to farm an inactive account!
    Also I guess you missed the part where, I respect you pinky but I disagree with you here. It takes a tough, tough person to farm someone's account for disagreeing with what you think about OP.
  5. When u are in a clan like LR u don't get to say "I'm LR" after someone posts about farming you, I don't care what way u try to twist it..u can post hello handsome on my wall and if I need a target u may get hit **facepalm
  6. @ word, that's just u being an eb nub ...that makes me salivate to know her acct is sitting there untouchable, but I don't dislike roch so I'm paused
  7. She didn't. She basically said 'hey buddy, we're in the same clan/alliance so I'm not looking to start **** with you.'
    Not 'hey wait I'm in your sub clan so haha you can't hit me' as all of you seem to have in your head
  8. Ope. Now I see your comment about not disliking me and pausing on my account. Now I've shoved my big foot in my mouth again -.-

    And, to anyone confused, I'm NOT op lol
  9. No roch that's not how it was said princess.
    And it doesn't matter she is not welcomed at LR not your concern.

    Is this monthly bashing from roch and word ever going to stop orr we all like kaw married now?
  10. i always played by the motto "clan first".

    this entire thread all you have done is proven that all you care about is yourself and your "rep" as a "1337 farmer"
  11. My rep hhahahaa u and roch have given me the biggest portion of this "rep' always talking crazy about anything I post and I love u for that...u know how many people lol @ u both for your anti farming issues
  12. I was about to say respect increased... but i'm not sure. That's all good and well, but you didn't need a target this time, Pinky. You should have plenty in your OSW :/ so I wanna say, argument invalid? But I'm afraid I might come off as more of a ***** than I intend to.
  13. Lol I don't have a problem with farming or being farmed. Honestly it's all this bull about how you went from saying it all because you're a noob stomper, to saying it because you don't care who's who, anyone is a target.
  14. @Roch it's actually a really good strategy to strip an inactive that you know is coming back.
  15. I'm a noob stomper and ii don't care who it is unless u are infact LR or an alliance but u don't post the way she posted and earn my respect. U made the thread about me being a noob hunter but now don't like me hitting poor innocent noobs? I don't get u sometimes
  16. This fella pinky must be born in dustbin too much trash talk in forums ξ‚ξ„Œ
  17. Blah blah blah it was more fun with the random comments and talk, we have beeen over this.
    She used LR to prevent me from hitting cuz I posted her wall saying I would farm(don't mean right then ) but that I would...last time I will say it but that is a NO GO PERIOD.
  18. Roch - how many days ago was your forum retirement thread?

    Now you are in a thread calling out Dr.P for a second time. Again with the condition he waits for you to grow.

    How long ago was the first thread you called out Dr.P?

    You and I were the same size back then. You have actually become smaller.

    Free speech is a great thing, but why must you impose this dribble upon us? :?
  19. IMO There's a big difference between noobs like captain-sparkles and Lynx and KillerPie, and noobs like our OP here.
    Noobs like CS, Lynx, and Fairy princess number one, deliberately stepped out of line and knew what they were doing when they disrespected you. They're dumbasses, and they deserve to be taught a lesson.
    But OP here respected you (at first... By now she's beyond help) and didn't revert to acting like a noob until you started treating her one.
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