oooh, Pinky!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Star_Child-, Nov 13, 2012.

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  1. Hey Dakota how u like day silence
  2. least there isn't any blanks being shot?
  3. Lmao, shooting blanks haha I doubt it , he does have a kiddo
  4. lynx your clan is safe, just don't join convo with clanmates cleared that up and your main acct info blah blah that's the same size as the one u talking with
  5. One Lucky shot :lol:
  6. Lol. I'm going to pretend I didn't read any of that.

    *backs out of this thread..

    Taking Barbie with me:evil:
  7. Another fail.

    I'm out. 
  8. pinky is an arrogant dick. seriously, hes not that good.
  9. see? i wasn't the only one thinking this!!!

    aw poor db -pats on the back-
  10. :lol: :lol: Drgn 
  11. Think we already beat around that bush 1111
  12. i don't agree but interesting pic
  13. oh.. sorry :p 325 pages, aint nobody got time fo that
  14. it's only 34 pages please learn to count. Pinky you didn't answer on the dating one btw :p
  15. No offense to anyone on here, but there are a ridiculous amount of suck ups on this thread. It's kind of annoying on the first few pages lol
  16. sucking up i think you mean. and where in particular?
  17. Just a random comment passing by.
  18. Not me. I was just commenting on Drgns crooked pointer.. :shock: :eek:

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
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