my bad, i edited the message...though i dont think there are any spies anymore, since there are no more Pwars
My post after our Taka spanking would have been On Hansels...... It's not their tower builds that beat u. It's the fact that 50% of clan is hansel and about ever other member has 1m static tower def. Unless your clan can match hansel strength you won't beat them in the 30-40 percentile clan strength matchup.
That is what we call tactics. If you have a strategy that works, why not use it? Although I do agree in a sense.
Again. I never said anyone was mad about losing. Anyone who knows me knows I'll take those as I give them. Getting troop KO by someone I've scouted to 0 spies, but shows dtw, though?
@dark There are still plenty of pure spy's that take advantage of their mechs to frustrate people. But that's a different discussion
I was in a war this week where i has their number one rank n plunder guy OS-Tdubbs at 0 spies and only troops left and it wouldnt let me attack or KO him. Was very frustrated!!!!
Regardless, the build itself allows the strategy metal mentioned, does it not? Spies do what they will whilst attackers remain untouchable to feed as the like without fear of harm?
Rudi: I'll show you 4m static spy def, 0 spies as an appetizer. You assn their troops when they show dtw for attack.
darkace you have made some of the most nOob comments ever on this thread and ur input is no longer valid on any future discussions of build/mechs/plunder ever again.
Joe_ as I said I can show u a build that is dtw to attacks and steals while sitting full bar with 100b out. I use 100b for an example. It could be 12 gold or 12 trillion gold