On Tower Builds...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by joe_, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. If you need 3 hansel~ to KO a tower build I did a rough head count on Taka, (only people with 1m more spy defence than attack were counted) they had 10-15 Tower builds, it would need 30-40 Hansels to KO them, you try and find a clan full of even 30 active hansels(at the start of war) and you're on to a winner. (I only counted Taka top 35)

    That is an exploit that is overused. People saying it will get banned it won't, the mech will simply change. You can have your precious towers, but lets see who will keep them after the become a means to defence rather than invulnerability.

    I have many friends with this build, who I mean no respect. But this is an exploit n mechs need changing.

  3. Woo!  That ur mom?!!  (no break of TOU meant)
  4. not to sound ignorant, but three hansels should be able to KO 3 tower builds (given sufficient pots, BFA, EQUIPS, and using assassination, even if it takes them to 33% spies per KO.

    Am i right?
  5. Actually jas you counted wrong. Only 5 of top taka are tower builds. Many others just have a lot of towers. I think many are left over from their recent big osw. You need to scout to find out which are which. I only counted 4 big tower builds in foxes war.

    And as an aside, a single unmolested hansel could take down an equivalent tower build. The key word, obviously, being unmolested. However, the large number of taka hansels would make that feat difficult.
  6. Unmolested
  7. Apologies I don't familiarize myself with the specifications.
  8. I havent really looked into this, I really dont know much about this.
    But what im failing to understand is why 2 players have been punished for something, and when a moderator does the same thing, its okay?
    Moose says its not cheating, so why were those other players banned?
    Have they been unbanned and given compensation of some sort?
    I must be missing something important which explains why mods can do something players cant..
    Because all the devs say is mods are just players like us. So they should abide by the same rules.
    I will ask in feedback also.
    I checked barely any comments so, dont expect me to know whats in the comments. Yes im lazy, youll get over it.
  9. I think like this - a hansel is fair because they pin their ATTACK troops to be DTW for ATTACKS. A tower build pins his SPY troops to be DTW for ATTACKS. It doesn't make sense.
  10. I hate tower builds :( uses a **** ton of my spies to KO them.
  11. Unicorn: this isn't about mods specifically. It's about a mechanics loophole.

    Anyone else: this isn't about Taka specifically, either. It's about a game mechanics loophole that results in an unfair advantage.

    Tower builds aren't specific to one clan, nor am I complaining about losing a war. As I stated previously, we likely would've lost regardless.
  12. Its a reverse hansel guys.
    They use OSF pin mechanics
    Where as hansel exploits OSF stats with DTW attacks. They are harder to pin than a tower build in conventional warfare IMO because you cannot assassinate a Pinned troop hansel, sorry kids. Scouts only
  13. Shadow: actually, in EE war, you can assassinate players with 0 troops, thereby making hansel builds infinitely easier to pin.

    That action is Spy/Spy. So to justify that a tower build is reverse hansel when troop/troop actions show dtw presents a logical fallacy in your argument.
  14. It doesn't happen often but I totally agree with joe_. The arguements about hansels they are the same exploit like tower builds aren't right - in EE you can always assa athough troups already 0ed. Nevertheless scouts would burn the spies also and ko the hansel over the time...small builds can do it by "kamikaze" actions. The same can be done with LB ppl...dozen of lost atts/spy actions will ko the the acc. For tower builds it doesn't work bc you need SUCCESSFUL assa! In case for high BFA accs it's mostly impossible to ko them.
    At the end this discussion is not about how to take out such builds - in a EE the fact is: They are dtw to attacks at ALL what shouldn't happen in this kind of wars (a Hansel can be attacked by other hansels or hybrids). This is an exploit that must be fixed - only my 2centy
  15. @op- if a hansel has 100 T5 HLBC players as allies, full def pots, tell me the significant difference? They are still able to be kamikazi'ed, yes, but my point is. You need a large spy strikeforce regardless
  16. Yes i do realize that hansel can be kamikazi'ed, but if you have spies w/ enough BFA, there is no build that cannot be pinned. Argue with me there?
  17. And for those that do not understand the mechanics, 10 T5 HLBC atk builds are the BFA equivalent of 1MCS atk BTA. So that equation = 10M atk and 10M Def (BTA equivalent) in stats. That is enough to burn through a T5 HLBC using full def pots while using few - no pots.

    I am saying this is merely a large numbers game
  18. A hansel has no real defence to an attack build other than self pinning or 0 gold I think. Whereas tower build has a massive static defence to both areas of damage.
  19. @Jas - the core basis of a hansel is BFA for attack and defense. As i just stated.
  20. Yes, but the tower build has over 2m defence for both a hansel like me has, what 300k defence? And with static 2m it becomes 2m defence to attacks, which is around a 40~ Land attack build but 4m defence equals a nearly Bc hansel