Omg a dev!! I'm a mod!!

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Lmao, I thought it was a prank, until he asked for your UDID. Then I realized it was a scam.
  2. Oh gawd.

    Just fell off the bed from laughing so hard.
  3. Best Thread Ever!!!

    First thought was: dont you have to Apply to be a Mod instead of being asked???

    Second thought was: whatthe **** is UDID??? Unique Device ID or something? And why would anyone ask for that?
  4. ROFL that guy is a terrible scammer
  5. Lol this was epic
  6. Absolutely hilarious! What a douche
    ! 
  7. Best Of please! Not only will this provide an example of how scammers work, but it is also hilarious.
  8. Lol all those questions he was asking he should've already known.
  9. Made my day  LMAO
  10. Def should be in best of... Epic Win 
  11. Stickied for best of xD
  12. Super that's not always the case...the devs have asked players to be a moderator before but it's a very rare chance.
  13. Got a good laugh lol
  14. omg what a ballbag. 2012 thread leader at the min in my eyes absolutely hilarious
  15. lol! what a friggen idiot!. when i seen x gave a udid i said "oh no. that was stupid.". then i seen the last post, i legit laughed out loud. well played xtreme.
  16. Original message
    Me wrote:

    Hello, I lIlIlI_P-Dinosaur_IIllIl ask that you make
    IlIlIl_XTREME_IlIlIl's thread titled : Omg a dev!! I'm a mod!! (
    be placed in the Best Of section of the Kingdoms at War forums.
    Why? Well, as one of your admins said yourself; "
    /facepalm ". This thread would serve as a reminder of scammers in the game, and provide an example for how they try to steal UDIDs.
    Plus it's hilarious.


    APR 12, 2012 | 04:24PM PDT
    Ariana replied:
    Thanks for the link, we will review the thread for this.
    A Thinking Ape Support
    APR 12, 2012 | 03:53PM PDT

  17. :lol: LMFAO!!!! :lol: