I love how he would put "mod powers" on your phone. Lol No one on the team refers to them as "mod powers" I have all the "power" of your local janitor. Hahahaha
I didn't even read past the op,anyone who frequents forums and thought they could blag Xtreme is clearly an idiot. I had a naive sub clan guy get UDID blogged not long ago...arguably deserved but still it smarts when you sincerely liked the kid. Well done X
Just to add, the account that was blogged from the 15 year old kid is now inactive. I'd like to think the Devs did it. I still have to question though,if so then why didn't the original Acc holder get it back? Just a question, for experience purposes only. Sadly the kid doesn't play anymore.
If u give me ur udid i will grant u magical god powers in rl!!! Plus ull be more attractive to the opposite sex and get regular checks of thousands of dollars. Plus a lollypop.