Discussion in 'Wars' started by TEPOZTECATI, Jan 22, 2015.

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  1. ....mmmm bacon towers
  2. these are the same noobs that wrote stupidity on their walls about having a contract to farm you that you could only pay to have contract removed. Not a single dime was ever collected lol. Even though they threatened to destroy you even if you were to wall them....which of course everyone would do just to laugh in their faces.
  3. Bullying tactic? :lol: shouldn't be in the enemy clan ;)
  4. It is hilarious. I was bowling over with laughter in the train and everyone was looking at me funny.

  5. He is a King in a tap tap game show some respect . I was just sitting on my throne flushing an omet.
  6. Well guys, zaft sotra has more omets than sotra at this point   they are coming 
  7. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! I just spit monster ultra sunrise all over the place. Troll Machine wins this thread
  8. Lmaowow troll machine that's some funny **** !
  9. Wait.... Omet aren't zaft ???

  10. My bacon n cheese OMET, topped with salsa was tasty!! Enjoyed it with a glass of cold milk 
  11. Ill strip yer motha.
  12. Support to ZAFT.

    I really should cover this war in TeaTime
  13. Wait does this say Zafts givving us Omlettes now?
  14. This is the funniest thread I've ever read. I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard. Thank you op, for giving everyone a place to come together and get a funny, relaxing break from the stresses of real life. You Sir are an idiot.
  15. I'm shell shocked.
    What is with all the egg jokes?
    They seem to be eggshaustive in effort. And in eggstremely poor taste
    Could someone please eggsplain to me why they are funny?

  16. A call from there king under rule 3 omg you cannot make this up too funny so after this zaft war is done because of omet rule 3 apoc is gona beat on omets like they are the last eggs in the world lolo
  17. They MAY just be serious. I had 4 Inc from an omet this morning. I'm thinking I should reset now and save them the trouble
  18. Wow 4 inc omg call for backup ace
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