Discussion in 'Wars' started by TEPOZTECATI, Jan 22, 2015.

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  1. I'm just glad he isn't a little guild hansel anymore
  2. Another.... umm family?.... clan?..... whatever.... of zaft meat shields.
  3. As ur spiritual leader under section 4 paragraph 7 I order all omlettes to cf on apherium  located on ur home page are 3 buttons commence to press the one that says attack 
  4. You're right Aztec, I'm sorry

    He just made it too OVER EASY

    I crack myself up 

  5. So if OMETS are ZAFT and they are at war with NA and IDD too, does that mean we shall be recieving inc from OMETS too?
  6. Dear God Nikki... WHAT HAVE YOU GOTTEN US INTO!!??
  7. Unlikely DEAD 
  8. Excuse me, waitress... I ordered the Fiesta Omelette and this looks to be a 3 cheese.
  9. I doubt op saw the thread going this way 
  10. I'll trade you, but fair warning it looks like mine was already chewed up and spit out by a bunch of Spartans.
  11. Lol why would you make a forum post. There are only 5 or so omets left anyway. Pm would have been easier. Hope there are more then 2 big enough to hit this time. Good luck
  13. :( i figured as much just wanted to see the....kings?....input

  14. There's 9......
  15. Probably stomping about in a huff cos no one is taking him serious 
  16. That gif is mine.
  17. What's funny to me is he asked his "OSW peeps" to report in forums. Noob much?
  18. It's a declaration of war, it's purpose is to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies.

    Clearly this didn't work eggsactly as planned 
  19. Aw snap, aw snap.
  20. Omg i never laughed so hard in my life. Is this thread a joke? Someone please shut it down 
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