Discussion in 'Wars' started by TEPOZTECATI, Jan 22, 2015.

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  1. You mean just quoting Sun Tzu and playing the game like everyone else besides the "Go anywhere but remain loyal to the king" thing.
  2. This thread needs to be preserved in the best of section.
    When eggs become Omelettes, they can see a part of omelette history.
    That and we can all continue to get a laugh out of it. 
  3. ossia what are you doing ??? your just quoteing me. id never heard of sun tzu before or them princibles on to me it doesnt matter where they came from copyied or not .. it gave me another way to look at things so thats inspirational to me. why dont you repeat that same you copyied sun tzus words of wisdom about war to iProphet too ?? i doubt you will you just following the crowd like a sheep . just like you did over on the other thread that todd joked about me .
  4. Can I join the egg clan? I wanna war
  5. ossia = sethosaurusRex alt
  6. Recently scientists found a way how to unboil an egg. This was published on science daily webpage (here comes the nerds jokes :-D but this is putting this whole omellete threath to dangerous new level. Imagine all these omeletes scramble back in to their shells and start shelling apoc with this new weapon of mass destruction. Apparently egg whites can now change form from liquid to solid and vice versa....scary thoughts i must admit...
    Be aware - new era of warfare approaching KAW!!!

    PS - the egg white thingy is for reall tho. The rest is fiction
  7. First I was just referring to the Omets and not iProphet (I don't even know of that iProphet thing, must've happened during my KaWcaine break). Secondly, I'm not Seth's alt :lol: he's my friend in real life. Third, I don't follow the crowd. I didn't agree with your views and so I spoke my personal opinion. My apologies if that's going with the crowd (1 other person).

    Also, I joined him because I'm not a fan of you. Here's another quote dating back to 4th century "'Adu 'Aduyi Hooweh Ssadikki - My enemy's enemy is my friend".
  8. 
  9. ossia= sethosaurusRex alt .and heres a quote for you ossia ... better the devil you know than the devil you dont . and funny in all this time of you hateing me . you dont say one word to me and all u do is loads of smiley faces to todds comment towards me. yes you really let your feelings be known . another sheep thats all ossia{sethosaurusRex} is
  10. and everybody knows who iprophet is .you just havent got the guts to say the same thing to him . your just a bandwagon jumper .
  11. I never said I didn't know who he was, I said I wasn't aware of the strategem thread you were talking about. If I know nothing about it, why would I speak on the topic?
  12. Posey , rice a roni, this is a thread about eggs,Omelettes and there King Humpty Dumpty
    Stay on topic please.
  13. tornado i was very much on topic i mentioned i like the omets ways of thinking on wars /how they approach them.
  14. KotFE.... 
  15. nice twist of words to escape out of it. you stated you dont know who iprophet is. now you saying you do .stick to one story ossia/sethosaurusRex
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